<August 8, 1998>
just a lil cyote taking his hot air balloon out for a spin. hand drawn line art scanned and colored digitally.
Drasko and Malathar, Just two dragons out there trying to keep the streets free of crime! hand drawn and color pencil shaded
A dragon riding his motor scooter... He really wanted a Harley but this is all I'd let him have! Hand drawn and Color pencil shading.
Oo, sketchy. (My descs are so lengthy at 8:20 AM, aren't they?)
Peter and Jason horsing around at the beach - Peter being the panda if you don't recall (who, even in the water, still wears that trademark bandanna), and Jason being the tall blue mackerel. Yes, as in fish. Possibly one in a series of summer pictures, now that my Senior summer begins to wind down. Not that it ever wound up much to begin with.
I'm actually on time this year! For her birthday, here's a picture of Ciseal in one of them there nifty empty boxes. Hey, Vicki! Kiss the teenage years away!! What? You mean Vicki's *not* 20 yet? Dangit, now my desc doesn't make much sense anymore...
Nothin' real's just me, Howie, pointing to myself. With my thumb!
Balthazar my new gecko. He actually is my pet gecko. A fat-tailed Gecko, very cool and laid back. :)
Margique the dog. I was drawing this doggie while talking on the phone with Invisicat from Yiffnet.
A bust of the unicorn morph named Chemistry. She was done in prismacolors on black paper. Too bad the scan made it red.
A tribute to fennecs everywhere!
My very own Jabberwocky!
Kendall the Ringtail - hey, before I drew him (and actually WHILE I drew him o8-} ) I didn't even know how a Ringtail looks like, heh! Kendall is (C) Sir Kain
Frommer Possum gone fish'in. Frommer © his creator.
Go, that was a lovely picture of yourself as a goth, but y'see, you don't have to be ugly to be scary :) Missy's © me.
<August 8, 1998>