<August 7, 1998>
He looks kinda evil in this pic with that huge sword.
Lynn kneeling on the ground.
Kaslin, da youngest Champion Warrior of Redwall ever!=) He's my main character in a Redwall novel I'm writing (heh heh, wish me luck...), an' it took me FOREVER to think of his name.^.^ Ennywayz...Kaslin (C) me, Redwall (C) author extraordinaire Brian Jacques!=D All hail Redwall!
Newest pet up fer adoptions!=D Only thing dat's different is that he isn't named yet.^.^ Would any kind artist like to adopt the adorable lil'--uh--whatever he is?=) You get ta name him an' he'll be (C) me and [your name here]. Little orphan pet (C) me as of now.=)
Yoyo of -Shanda the Panda-, © Mike Curtis. I had no idea that Mike would actually print this in Shanda #23 as a full-page illo, nor even that he would actually *pay* me! Thanks, Mike!
Areiya Naka gets colorized(sorta)and is found doing a Milk ad spoof.Woop-Pee-Doo.Areiya(I forgot to mention she's a dragon, haven't I?)©me;Milk ad©them.
This is Navee(formaly named Navy),a rather old char I recently retouched(get it?'Old Navee?')and stuff.One one hand,I the colorring I did on her stink;on the other hand,I drew her holdin' me adopted pet seal Hyper!Ain't he kawaii?Hyper©Marie Lu an' me;Navee©Just me.
Kasumi Yuugata No Tanuki(long name,ain't it?),a character I doodled up for a possible SM RP.Tanuki's a raccoon-like spirit that can change shape(much like a kitsune spirit can).You can tell Tanuki's a bit "shy",eh?Heheh...NANI?
Kasumi Yuugata No Tanuki(long name,ain't it?),a character I doodled up for a possible SM RP.Tanuki's a raccoon-like spirit that can change shape(much like a kitsune spirit can).You can tell Tanuki's a bit "shy",eh?Heheh...NANI?
One for the Lemur. There's nothing more important than simple communication between a mother and child.
The oddimals! My latest group snapshot! Olivia, Boomer, and Zuccini pose for Bandit, but he's found another source of inpiration. . . Jinx! This is from my very first t-shirt : )
Request pic for Silkwind Nightstar. She's the leader of COGVAG, which is a group of evil (furry) gypsies on the 'net. They're based on the Redwall books. Anyway, Silkwind's got a pretty big site up, it's pretty cool, even if you don't agree with the 'evil' thing.
'Nother part of Silkwind's request: headshots. She wanted these so she could make a banner or an award or somethin'.
Someone asked me a LONG time ago if I did skunks. Well, now I guess I do.. I'm not sure if this is too realistic for Yerf or not..I think it looks cartoony enough, myself. I tried doing an anthro skunk but it just..didn't work. :)
Aw, look! Dooky Iguana, freshly hatched! Cute little thing, isn't she? Still seems a bit outta breath from that fight with the nasty hard egg-shell, so let's walk on to my next pic and don't disturb her, otay? o8-) Dooky's (C) DoodLeDum
And here's Dooky in a more "cartoony" style. (wait... isn't she always cartoony?
Geeeeeee, look what a grump he is!!
<August 7, 1998>