<July 24, 1998>
Charcole drawing of Iron Wolf.
Congrats to Kompy and her newly adopted pet sea lion, Hyper!^.^ Have fun an' be nice to the lil' guy!=) Kompy (C) Nicole Trujillo, and Hyper is now (C) her too.=)
Redwall MUCK is down.. twitch, twitch... so, Swen, if I didn't get the coloration and stuff right on this pic, uh, blame Otterspace. ;)
A character from a story my bf is writing. Skunkie!
Another character from a story my bf is writing. I LOVE this one... brushpens and colored pencils, o my!
More Fearsome Foursome foolishness. Which, indeed, is the reason four the Forsome.. I mean, for the Forum... I mean.. oh, never mind. The fake arrow seems to want to point to True North, or something! (Is it magnetic?)
<July 24, 1998>