<July 17, 1998>
StarDust in her Princess form.... she's holding onto the Star Stone, and knows that her life is at risk in protecting the stone, but she'll stop at nothing to save her planet. StarDust is c-right to me!
A deer mage named Diana, another character for our RPG examines a gold necklace.
A red lion thing playing tennis. He hasn't got a name, just a random character while bored.
Thanks everyone for making my birthday a very spiffy one!^.^ *HuGs* to u all!=D Look fer y'self in here an' if you're supposed to be in it but you're not, tell me right away an' I'll do a pic for ya!^.^ I like how Go and Howie turned out in this pic.=) All are (C) their right owners.
A moment of momentary peace in the bayous of the New South, where going fishing is one of the most dangerous undertakings imaginable. Dedicated with respect to the great Walt Kelly. (By the by, if any o' you swamp stompin' swabs wanna write I'm at a new e-mail address, at [email protected])
Hi there! This is Mark Mallard, and I have some *sniff* terrybowl knews for all of ya.. as you should be able to see in this picture, Howie is *snicker* no longer with us.. *hee-hee* this is so tragic.. *snicker*.. Confetti told me all about it back in June, but I *giggle* couldn't bare ta break th' knews til just now... CONFETTI: Mark! *I* didn't tell you Howie was dead! Stop playing around or I'll have to sick Jokester on ya!
Ahh... it's a quickly-drawn belittled --er-- beLATED birthday drawing for AltarSkunk. Hey, Jill's back!
I have to admit that although I cheated by using a filter for the background, it does pretty cool cool, no? Inked by hand, colored in Photoshop.
Don't even think of getting one past this goalkeeper.
This is Jazra. It's a picture request. I just drew the head because I didn't want to screw up the body or anything. She hopes to join this furry archive soon. Jazra c. her player.
Ratfink waving "hi" or something. Ratfink c. Steph.
Riff Raff DaCat. A picture request. Riff Raff c. her player.
A LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNGGGGGGGGG time ago, Squee drew a pic of me, and it was really cool. I decided to finish off this pic and post it. So I did. I wonder is I got the colours right? I had a bit of trouble finding the right shade for the body. Ah, well. I like it. Squee is c. to Charla Throtman. Don't copy because thats mean and ignorant.
A while back, Trixi drew a awesome pic of me, so I drew an awesome pic of her! I doodled a couple of sketches of her, but most of them didn't turn out, but this one did. Trixi c to her player.
And yet another pic of Isis!Gotten some nice feedback and I'm glad so many of you like her:)I am not thrilled with this picture but I figured I would upload it anyway.Its not too bad:)Isis is © me.
Whew! Had a blast at AAC'98. Now I can catch up on my art pile. Here's a sneak preview of a new installment coming soon to my web page! Continuing the tradition of silly doodles, the piece of cheese and text was lovingly rendered by John Nunnemacher. Photoshop, Wacom tablet and pencil sketch.
<July 17, 1998>