<June 11, 1998>
I like this picture alot. I finally got it done. I think it is well worth the wait. This is Sandi Squirrel, done by request for James "Jamie" Malecki, and is also © to him. I hope you all like it. I certainly do, and that is what counts. :)
I recently received a commission request from the very talented actress Contessa. Here she is receiving an Oscar at the last Academy Awards Banquet. Thanks for the commish, Contessa. :)
A line drawing of Timebase's former love, Era Epoch, who is © Candy L. and Ryan Dewalt. :)
Tet as "Manos", the Paws of Fate. Based on something he said on Yiffnet. And that caused me to draw this. Yep. Please stop shaking your head, it depresses me. Tet Solfire is © Ryan Dewalt. ;)
Remember that ky00t lil' fox that just recently got a name (Kaddi "Snippet" Fox)? Welps, this is Kaddi's bestest best friend, a very kawaii lil' fennec fox! I've gotta think of a name for HIM too...gosh darn it.;) Who do u think is ky00ter--Kaddi or his bestest best friend?=) The kawaii lil' fennec ish (C) me.
I did a sketch of RW MUCK's Solette this afternoon and since it didn't turn out *completely* atrocious, I coloured it. ;) I like the way it turned out, actually. Wow, that's rare. :) And, folks, I'm not taking commissions right now.. I'm still recovering from school (yuk) and my sketches are purely muse-motivated. I'll get back to taking commissions eventually... like, once I graduate from college. >:)
Hey, guess what this is! You're absolutely correct, it's a chinchilla! How did you know?
Methinks I'll probably be putting this one in the CF10 art show.
A rather old pic, but it's the only one I have that illustrates the three Loupian leaders. From left to right: Lance, Evereen, Egret.
Cadge of TFF, or maybe Cadge of alt.devilbunnies. Either way, your basic Eastern Gray Squirrel.
There's a very cool song out by Harvey Danger (I think that's right...) Name's on the pic, if yer wondering. I absolutely *love* the song, and I got this idea while listening to it the other day, and promptly attacked a sheet of printer paper witha Sharpie. (Inkjet paper and Sharpie with markers. Dangerous combo) Anyway, this is it, and it's © myself, natch. "Flagpole Sittin'" is © the band that plays it or something. "o/~ Been around the world and found that only stupid people are breeding... the cretins cloning and feeding...o/~ Supply the next line and maybe I'll draw ya a pic, hmm? ;)
Eeeep! It's Sully's birthday?? Or was?? Why doesn' anyone ever tell me these things? (Darnit, I'm *always* the last to know ;) ) Heh, maybe if I was actually *active* on the archive for a change... :) Don't toss that party hat, yet Mister! There's still one very tardy fox on the way... (And for those of you who may be wondering why I haven't uploaded in a *long* time, check out my webpage to see what I've been up to :) Sully's © the very spiffy Scotty Arsenault.
Teresa Lane at age 13. (Longer hair, no leather jacket, no piercings.. sca-a-ary) This is a piture with a story behind it.. unfortunately, I'm too lazy to really say much except - this is right after her "foster father" Raiho was killed by the local police. Yes, I know it's sad... but I wasn't in a happy-happy-happy mood when I drew it, so nyah. =P~ Teresa © me
This is Teresa Lane, holding a chick and looking almost NOT discontent. (We aren't sure how long it'll last, so get your cameras now!) Lookit that, 'Resa's jacket is open.. you can see her shirt! Ooo, aaah... eeehhh... Teresa © me
It's CATNEL!!! I've been meaning to do this picture for awhile, and am still testing coloring. All in all, I think it came out well, although I really need to do some intense water studies >:) Catnel is © to Colleen
<June 11, 1998>