<May 17, 1998>
"POUNCE!" -- This is for Isomorph's 16th birthday. This took two whole days to do, mostly because I airbrushed it without using the black(grey) lines as a boundry. I made sure it was printed on the best paper I could find, made sure the printer was working at peak preformance, and got the best frame I could find. I feel proud knowing this is on his wall... :)
Commish for James Allen, who lives only a few miles away from me. One of the few furries I don't have to explain where Wales is. :) Nice toon-ish picture of Joshua Kuthixo fishing.
Brett getting troubles (as always), and well-known Falstaff with him too. This picture supposed to be first of series. Falstaff character ©Ginger (Jessica Willard), Brett character is ©Lancid
I've been admiring the cool picture that Allan Dye drew of the Raccoon Kids and myself. And the more I admired it, the more I felt that I should do something with the idea he came up with. So here it is. I was under the impression that the Kids were watching too much 'X-Files'. Maybe I was wrong? :)
As I said before, I'm going to tell the story of the Raccoon Family one of these days. Still, I haven't gotten around to mentioning the Raccoon Dad's real name. It's Gruff. Gruff Raccoon. Kind of a misnomer, really, 'cause the only time he's ever mean is when someone threatens his kids. Which poor Belzon and Zordak are about to find out.
<May 17, 1998>