<May 12, 1998>
Character studies of someof the people in my classes...what can I say? I was bored... image © Sara L. Clay
Just a little wishful thinking for the future... characters contained herein © Sara L. Clay
Just a Mel-angel again. She was s'posed to be saying something , but she isn't.
A fat ol' wuffie, for Big Blue Fox.. hey, it only took me 4 months to scan it!
Gene! Y'all know the vitals, c> by you know who..
Athena, MelSkunk's muckmate on FurryMuck. Plus fun with Photoshop Gradients!
Angel Bear mentioned working in a cheese factory. I'm sorry, but that's just too artistic... c> etc etc..
Limpidity #239: Comets, Asteroids and Meteors... Oh my!
Limpidity #240: Comets, Asteroids and Meteors... Oh my!
Limpidity #241: Comets, Asteroids and Meteors... Oh my!
Limpidity #242: Comets, Asteroids and Meteors... Oh my!
Ok, in my sketchy story outline i've got so far this guys name is 'Robert G. Knowles'. hehe, Every group needs a strong but gentle (and not too terribly bright) type. This guy looks like he'll do just fine. I'll remove this one once I get a color version done :)
Another character in a story I may get around to writing. In the storyboard her name is 'Elizabeth Tamara Greene'. She's a Spec 5 (medic) in a military operation. But ain't she cute? =)
*chuckle* This is for Darkhorse, she didn't even know I was doing it, but I was just so darn fascinated with the way she did her character and the idea itself :) Darkhouse is © to Tallulah.
<May 12, 1998>