<May 11, 1998>
Catnel! The nicest mom to a Kassy deserves her own Mother's Day picture! Even if it *is* drawn in strange Kevin style. ;) Catnel is © the very sweet and talented Colleen Phillips. :)
So what about some stuff for us girls, eh? Here's some good, clean G-rated beefcake for ya!
Ack. Not one of my better ones... oh well. Tried doing it in grayscale instead of color this time -- seemed to have helped a little. Next one should be a little more interesting (thank you, Gene, I got a tolerable pic of Lardiner done! :) I hope... Sorry I'm a little bland tonight, too drained by "family problems" to care a whole lot. :P (noBrainR (C) Albert Temple, BTW...)
This is Angie, she is my very first character to ever come out of my twisted imagination she's the victim of my sadness or anger and she's my most valued possesion. Angela Joy Armatage © Christopher LaFollette
this is a commission that I did for a friend I liked how it turned out so much that I made him a regular. Elric © me
this is just a nameless fur.......If you want to name her and make her your own, E-mail me and we'll work something out.
this is my character Angie in the future its part of a fiction i am currently writing Angie Armatage © me
someone asked me if I could draw humans..... I can but I didn't want to so I drew the next best thing, a human changing in to a furry a wulfie to be exact. this nameless char © me
My personal tribute to the best drummer ever, Buddy Rich. Ruby's trying her best to keep up on the trap set. You may be gone now, but your music as well as your influence shall live forever. We love ya! "We all know that no one can fill Buddy's shoes, but we can sure have fun trying!" <Neil Peart>
Roy Calbeck did a very clever pic for Amara's birthday that practically cried out for a response. Well... maybe not exactly cry out. Perhaps it merely said it out loud. Or mumbled it? Whispered under it's breath? Okay, the pic didn't actually *speak* out loud at all. But I thought it was great! And so... :)
Heh, a long over-due drawing after I noticed Matthew Peters had a similarly named character. Luckily they're different species and slight name changes.
Friendly Koshaw feline from Yiffnet, I'm experimenting more with pre-inking drawings then scan them into Photoshop and color them easier that way. I thought the lines came out too dark.
A piccie for Taan! Because she's my pal, and I don't draw her enough. At all. I've only drawn (at most) four pics of her characters since I've known her, mostly because I'm not exactly all that great at drawing her chars. But she's drawn hundreds of pics of my characters, 'coz she's really nice... Okay, well, anyway, here we have Ty looking out a window at a hill or something. Nice, eh? I even tried to do a somewhat different pose... Ty's © the everspiffy everkewl Jessica Park! :)
A special picture for a great friend. Here's Phillip Penny's white wolf, Blitz charming Veronica with his grace. She seems a lot more impressed then Marcello... Ohwell, he'll get over it. Blitz is a character of Phillip Penny; Marcello Rupelli and Veronica are characters of Brian Rogers; image © 1998 Brian Rogers. I really should come up with a last name for Veronica...
Yay! Tron is being released on DVD on the 19th in all it's widescreen, Dolby Digital glory! Here's a lightcycle I generated in 3D today. This doesn't work according to the movie, where they had the light staff before starting the cycle. Looks good, tho. Marcello Rupelli is a character of Brian Rogers; image © 1998 Brian Rogers. Tron ©, (tm), or something 1982 Walt Disney Productions.
Wolf, the bad guy among the Omega Elite. He's half Wolf, half Liger (Lion/Tiger). Someday I'm going to get around to actually writing about his experiences as a cub with the painful deformities that came from his genetics. I created him six or so years ago ... but this is the first image I've ever done of him. Wolf is © to me.
I did this one for Tet's bday :) Trixi and Tet are © their owners.
<May 11, 1998>