<May 1, 1998>
Happy birthday, Tet and Timebase! (Who are © Ryan Dewalt.) Watch out, though. Birthdays can be hazardous; they can cause chronolapines to inadvertently blurt out secrets. ;) Have a good one!
Well, this is a pretty fix I put myself in. I went and uploaded a picture of the Heebas without having any idea who they were, except for the pics Sully put on Yerf. Then one night on IRC, Tet enlightened me, and did it take me by surprise. Well, I'm correcting my oversight now: I've ordered several back issues of Furrlough. That should straighten me out. ;) My apologies, Sully... how 'bout an ice cream sammich? <:)
Don't be the last on your block to own a piece of animation art from the world-famous "Trixi and Tet Adventures" cartoon show! Trust me -- it's more valuable with the animator's frustrated scribbles in the margin. Anyway, happy birthday Tet! (The reason Tet looks shocked has nothing to do with the feather -- Trixi's holding a glass of iced tea against his back!) [NOTE: mockup only, kids -- not an actual cel.]
Whooo, Ongoing saga with this pic, huh? I forgot to rebuild after deleting the double last time, and somehow, it deleted anyway. So here's 'cowgirl.jpg' AGAIN, in all its bisonishness...
Man, whatta load o' Miracle Gro and an El Nino can do for a girl! Mrkikkl's Mom must be at least 20, 25 feet tall in this thing...looky Sully way down there huggin' 'er! (BTW, I finally figured that I'm not gonna confuse anybody givin' her one of my names - anybody wanna Name Mrkikkl's Mom for me?) Sully crght "Heeba-god" Scotty Arsenault.
This is a picture of Silhouetta, some one very special to me. Its based on her description on Furry Faire and on a photo of her player iRL who is also a very close friend of mine. I hope she likes it. =)
My own version of Skippy Squirrel; yes, I know it looks nothing like the "real" Skippy.
This is the first of a series of drawings depicting several of my stories. This is the opening scene from "Lore" The coyote girl's name is Twilight and the winged Lion's is Zone. The dialogue here would be: Are my father's tales true? Do you think humanity really does exist?
Happy birthday to both the chronolapine and the folf! Who are the alter egos of Ryan Dewalt, BTW. :)
<May 1, 1998>