<April 28, 1998>
I think this is a fun pic... I was going to put a nice pic of the suburbs for the back ground. Yet, I wanted to move on to something else. So I did a mountain thing. Why mountains... one I like the mountains... two they're engrained in my head since I live in Denver. Anywho, here's another pic with the little version of Sox.
I'm justa choosin' how to remake Sox. I've been practicin' with different styles, and I'm liking this one the best. If you've been watching my art for awhile you'll notice that Sox is never the same looking in to identical pics... trying to work on that if I want to be a cartoonist.
Sorry this pic took so long, Chelly!=| Raye'chelle ish (C) Rachel Rose.
Sorry dis one took so long too, Trixi! Me sorry...=*( Ennywayz, hope you likes it!!! Oh yeah, I'm really sorry about the delayed pic request, Jedd, but I'm still workin' on how to draw u right...I'M SORRY EVERYONE!=) Trixi Bigfoot ish (C)Candy L.
Faulty door lock.
Ye gods, this took longer than it needed to, and I'm still not completely satisfied. :P You wouldn't believe how much experimenting it too just to find out how to do the pool the way I wanted to, and I'm still working on the background. Ah well. I've got two or three more installments to ink... but at least I managed to get this one up. :) (Aislinn (C) me, noBrainR (C) Albert Temple.)
Happy Birthday Amara!
This is a birthday gift for one of Yippee's friends from the Critters by the Bay, Victor Vanderbear.
Anshin: Solace; peace of mind; relief; security; confidence; trust...
Well, here I am. Just putting in a pic to break my spot in. I drew this for my good buddy, Zuzu (thanks again!). This is Bandit doing what he loves. Bandit © "Zuccini"
Outta my way! Outta my way! What a rush. Vix having too much water to drink. Draw what you're feeling I always say. Thus, this was a very quick pic. Whew! :) Vix © Frank
Look who broke in the place! Keep an eye out. He tends to be a little too curious. Vix © myself.
Huh?? The bounce-a-ramic PsychoVixen's birthday is today?? Why doesn't somebody TELL me these things?! :)
By Jamie M's request, here's Janie Jalecki and the Patient Raccoon getting together to chat about... oh, whatever moms chat about when they get together. :) It struck me at this time that I have been remiss in my explanation of the Raccoon Family members names. Some have asked me, Does the Mom really call to her kids, "Observant, Active, come here."? Yes, she does. From where they're from (I'll tell that story one day) those are proper names. Mom's real name is Patient (not Patience) Raccoon.
Kari Thatcher, freelance Seaplane pilot, in a playfull mood Kari Copyright Me!
Myddy Paws is doing her art homework , better than having to paint bowls of fruit i guess (this will be replaced with the color version when its done, Muddy Paws is © her player
Spots the oscelot of SPR in her black outfit, ninja kitty maybe? Spots is © her player
I hate my Warner Bros-esque style! I'm going for a new one. Somebody send me feedback as to whether or not this cheetah cub still looks Warner Bros-ish.
<April 28, 1998>