<April 24, 1998>
Now, I hope it's Anise who doesn't kill me over THIS picture! This belated birthday pic is a replacement for the last pic of her I did, which looked like Anise the way a horse resembles the Empire State Building. (Still, this shot has big hips tho'. Sorry, it's a trademark. Anise crght Ainsley Seago.
There are a plethora of meanings I've given to this 11" x 14" work. Most of them have to do with the merging of cold and hot fronts, hence the name.
Racism sucks. Tribes all over the world are being wiped out and persecuted for who they are. One god, One tribe.
A better and more recent picture of my character from The Lion King Muck, Mabiwi. Mabiwi is © me
Well, the old fashioned look seems to be back, at least as SCFA goes. After seeing Scotty's picture of Marble, I just had to have a go myself.
Becky, wearing her beat up old straw hat.
"Me? Do THAT? You must be JOKING!"
I completely screwed up the inking with this one. The brush just went everywhere! So I loaded it into Deluxe paint and cleaned up the lines a lot. Then I decided to colour it as well. Good old DPaint. As for the image, I think it speaks for itself. :)
A belated birthday pic for the marvelous marsupial Spaceroo! I dug through my collection of old pulp mags and found this illustration from the April '51 issue of F3 (Fur, Fin & Feather) Science Fiction. Hope you like it. :) (Spaceroo is © John Siemer)
Kilo gave me permission to replace the older ballpoint head sketch with a new one, as long as you couldn't _really_ see the paper lines. Here he is.
Spaceroo... spaced out. Life can do that to you sometimes. =o\ [Thank you J.B. and M.M. for the birthday pictures *hug*. 24... I'm a fossil. =oP]
Cindy is stuck in the Army recruiting line. Note, there is a cat at the end of the line. Cindy is a character of and © 1998 Yvonne Bonillas.
Ivan announces El Nino. Hey, I'm from Southern California, what do you expect. *hee hee* Ivan, Vani, and Lily are characters of and artwork copyright © 1998 Yvonne Bonillas.
Lily in her fancy party dress. Lily is a character of and artwork copyright © 1998 Yvonne Bonillas.
My "The Amazing Three". Lily, Vani, and Buttercup are characters of and artwork copyright © 1998 Yvonne Bonillas.
<April 24, 1998>