<April 21, 1998>
My furry persona, Mistletoe Snowshoe, here with her summer fur, a sketchbook, and an earnest look.
Discord(Chiroptera/Bat form),The Wings of Inmortality.Unlike most of the other Bloody Roar-inspired pics I've uploaded,this one's more of a prototype design sketch,not much of a pic to be exact.Guess I just wanted to work on a more Anthro bat pic for a while an' this is the closest I've been so far in gettin' there.I'll keep workin' on her later on,hopefully!For now,Discord's©me.Based on the game that's©Hudson/Raizing.
I was just practicing how to draw a horse from this book my aunt sended me from Florida once,when I started to get semi-inspired by the Instrumental Moods CD I was listening to.In short,what we have here is an anthro Clydesdale Native American shaman,or something like that.Shading not too bad,is it?
OKKKKKKKkkkkkk....this pic was *SUPPOSED* to have been based on The Fugee's 'Ready or Not' video,but somehow ended up being inspired by something out of 'Saturday Night Fever' or something 70's like that.All together now:"DANG,WHAT AN AFRO!!!"Heh...
Oh no! One of those nasty ol' hyoomans caught the young heroine! Better try and outsmart him, cuz' good looks and charm won't let you weasel out of situation like this! (I apollogize to any weasels I may have offended) Everything having anything to do with this peice is © TM by John Macfarlane.
Next month memorial day will be coming, and this is a picture I'm making for then. It is of my Father as I pictured him Anthrowise A strong Proud lion, who went to a fire call on that day in 1984, and never returned, becuase his truck slid off the road and went into a swelling river that stormy night. He was the most important thing in that then 5 year old's life. I Love You dad, and will never forget you...
Angel Tulwar. Murr.
Gee, I guess that dogs _can_ move as fast as cheetahs, given the proper motivation <g>. Happy Birthday, Kevin!
<April 21, 1998>