<April 8, 1998>
Jarik Fireclaw, red fox martial artist, executes his forms with rhythmic control. Jarik is *supposed* to be burgundy, but my first try at watercolor pencils has left him a strange shade of plum. Oops. (Not a piece I'm exactly happy with, but perhaps worthwhile practice. Scan faded badly, and PS returned some of the color with a glare & brightness the original doesn't have.) Jarik © his player.
A little experimental thingy. It's a gator just standing there.
Fugue and Velle square off in a Nerf baseball bat fight to the death.....or near death......okay, until one of them gets a bruise! ;) Characters copyright Lysozyme!
"Learning to Fly" commissioned picture of Cloudchaser by Cloudchaser himself. 9x12 colored pencils.
Sneakers' T-Shirt design i did <redone and touched up> Sneakers ©1998 Sean E. Andersen
My first post for AltarSkunk... this idea is from STINK #21. It's none other than Stinkerbell, the pixie skunk. I'll probably be posting a few more pictures of her eventually.
Keershang hunting something. Or someone. :) Keershang (C) G. A. Hoover
A still frame from another animated cycle I did, this time of a Cape Hunting Dog. The cycle was done for a friend, who hopefully will get the cycle running on a website.
A couple roos, as the filename might suggest. Yep, I'm a sap. Ah, well. =o)
Here's a little melodrama for your amusement. Doktor Catlove as the Dastardly Villain, a grown-up Alistair Solfire as the Dashing Hero, and Crystal Timedancer as the, umm, Perplexed Heroine? Hang on, that's not right...
<April 8, 1998>