<February 10, 1998>
Well this is Sox being blown out of a cannon. This is probably one of my first 1 only upload. Probably because I'm devoting all my drawing time to the novel. That's taking forever... (as Pepe said about his... Ughhhhhh, neeed sleeep.)
I'm using this picture for my first webpage. As you see is a compilation of some of my previous pictures :)
Here's to everyone's favorite cheetah, who gives furrydom "New Zeal and" a whole lot more! Happy birthday, Lindgold! (Who's © Grant Preston.) :) Man, dontcha just LOVE getting puns for your birthday? Much better than cars or money. Yep. ;)
Lindgold! You thought I was going to put you in a tu-tu! Well not on your Birthday... Happy Birthday Lindgold. Lindgold is © Grant Preston.
Also thanks to Catnel for the notification that today is the birthday of another cool cat, Lindgold! Many happy returns of the day, friend! Who says cheetahs never prosper? :) (Yes, I know... but I couldn't help it.) Lindgold © Grant Preston, who's already known for his ability to forgive, so I hope that awful pun will slip by...
Hey! Logged on to SCFA and found an exquisite portrait by Catnel! What a nice way to start the day. This calls for immediate big hugs! Go get'er, Kids! :) Catnel © that nice Colleen Phillips lady!
<February 10, 1998>