<December 18, 1997>
After logging much time in PSP to digitally remove the lined-paper lines on this one, I thought it good enough to upload. This is a villian in one of my non-furry superhero universes. (Long story.) I like the body definition in this one.
A toony dog I came up with a few years back. "Name's Spaniel... Sam Spaniel, Private Eye." Needless to say, he never took his job too seriously. His partner was a blonde human woman (non-toon, ala "Roger Rabbit"), but of course she doesn't pass the furry criteria. I have a colored pencil version of this, but it too was on lined paper and the lines couldn't be removed as easily.
A newer and more updated pic of me, still not current as my hair is longer and a darkish shade of red/auburn but close enough. Plus I was sick of the bad one that was up earlier. Dig.
UPDATE! Tis' an Emergency Blurri, which I drew for a fellow J.W.W., 'cause he asked. Tis also an application...Stinken, Blur has REALLY been gnawin' on my ear 'bout this Android Amazon Animals thing...she's an Amazon, she's an animal, and two outta three ain't bad...
At last! It's Johnny Blanco in my first commissioned work. Hope you like it, Johnny! Unfortunately, the scanner was unable to get the details of the 11" by 14" original. Johnny Blanco © Thomas Riccardi. Oh yes, Merry Christmas ;o)
Happy Belated Birthday to Howie T. Cat!!! :) I'm sorry that this was sooo late! This picture has Slicker dressed up as the Brave Little Tailor.
A pic for HardRock the Seal. I am truly TRULY SORRY for the way I treated her. She asked me for a commission and the prices I gave her were just wrong! I could charge a stranger that much, but not a friend!! Please Please Please forgive me cause I really feel like a mook! :( Anyways, I do like this drawing :) Looks kinda festive don't it?
By request, a picture of Sirius, the Valinorian wolf. This character is © Katie Cotton.
<December 18, 1997>