<December 17, 1997>
- This is a commission I did for some of my friends little company. I thoght it turned out pretty neato. Hi! umm.. it doesn't have a signature?!?! so... © Jesse Fagan!
- One day while venturing near the old folks home. Sox asked an old man if he could take his little rover thing out for a spin. Here he is wailing away on the highway! Hehe, I'm so goofy. Hi again!
- This is a dog_e or doggie! It's just a cute little doodle I did. Hi!
- One day while canoeing in a lake near his house, Sox noticed an island that wasn't there before. Curiosity killed the cat, but what about foxes. By the way this one's coloring took forever (almost as long as soxmovie.jpg). So please take a gander!
- This is part 2 in my little XMas cartoon. Now Tat has something for Waldo... don't ask me what it is, I just draw the thing. Or do I? blah blah blah © Jesse blah Fagan blah.
- Here's an old unfinished picture I did about a year ago of a dragon mourning its slain mate. Originally, there were supposed to be tons of slain human and demihuman bodies cluttered around the ground, but, alas I never got around to it. Hopefully, this still conveys the same effect.
- Sorry for the quality of this one; it was drawn on newsprint (spew...). Here's a group of "super-furs" I once designed but never got around to doing anything with. Another old pic, maybe as much as four years. I've improved since then, but you can't tell it from this one.
- Happy Birthday,Lysozyme! (and boy, replicating that 3-D reflection on Hollo was really hard!) Hollo and Lysozyme © Lysozyme!
- This mother is what I consider as my grand opus on to this archive - it was hell to scan (it's 11 x 14 in reality, and needed two scans to set it all in.) An' wouldja I gotta give it AWAY!!! Drew it for somebody else! Its been foretold that nobody in my family's getting that much for Christmas (I WAS hoping for a scanner,) so unless some far-flung miracle from above occurs, (or I go into completion-mania over my other 11 x 14 pic,) this will be my last upload until late January 1998. Till then, I'll keep on sdrawin', hopin' to explore and explode those new vistas.
- Even in the summer that ocean is freezing! But I went out anyway. Yeah, I know this scenario has been done to death buuut..I'M DOIN' IT ANYWAY! Whohoo!
- Catnel and Pinfire... Both my characters... Pinfire supposed to be bigger, and Catnel is in Battle gear... It's from a long story... :)
- Hello I drew a character standing... (well nothing more discriptive right now.
- Ho hum. Well, it's a week late, but better late than never. I actually finished this last Tuesday, but technological, atmospheric and chronoligical problems all conspired to prevent me uploading it until now (My pooter went foom, the weather here has been rotten and I'm coming up against a million deadlines). Anyway, Happy Birthday Gene!
<December 17, 1997>