<November 6, 1997>
Our heroes disperse until the morning, while a seasoned police inspector keeps a weather eye on the warehouse. And then Renata gets a mysterious phone call... This installment will be in two or three parts, and hopefully I'll have the next installment(s) in by Saturday. All characters © their creators... and be merciful, this is the first time I've drawn some of them! :)
I let my emotion draw this, not me. Obviously, that's Destiny. Probably one of my more emotional images...
This pic's as old as the char's species(1994-95).This be Carter the Allosaurus,leader of the Jurrac-2 Freedom Fighters.Thought THIS pic was worth the scan,so...Carter be©Mine(P.S.:Interested in any chars for MUCK or chat use or whatever?Feel free to Email me if ya want any of my chars for your own use!)
Comish pic fo' Trent.*I* thought at first this was too cute a pic,but he liked it so I said HEY!His comish,why argue?Besides...not THAT BAD!Anyway,Trent(who gonna KNOCK U OUT!Heheh...)be©Matt Burt.(P.S:Thanks for those pics!STILL love 'em to this very day!)
Here is the colored version of Rencool.jpg. I'm gonna have to improve my computer coloring :) The next drawings I upload will be very interesting...stay tuned!
Just a deer morph. I thought it would be cool to draw something different.
Adeline is an older character of mine. She might *look* like a cute cuddly possum, but she's actually tough as nails and tends to get into a lot of scuffles. Adeline is © me.
This is another character of mine that didn't get past the drawing board. Sierra is your typical fox femme; cool, collected, and sexy all rolled into one furball. Sierra is © me.
The time wrinkle story... continues? The Observant Raccoon Kid finds herself in a strange, unknown place...
Another monster hunter, a priest of some sorts. "I kick ass for God!"
What do you get when you cross a alien, a cougar, and a rabid hyena? You get Fangz, one NASTY looking creature.
Here is another pic of my alternate, more fuzzy self.
New style, me in my early teen years.
I did this at work. I tried my best at inks. This is a more pumped up version.
I would be good in a drink ad.
I like combining a bit of old with new, so I drew this of my alternate in some cool armor.
<November 6, 1997>