<August 17, 1997>
I drew this on a day where I was visiting a college. The bastards booted me. Know what a Denver Boot is? A big orange tire clamp that doesn't let your car go anywhere, and if you try, it'll trash your car. I prolly had the torque to smash it off but I wasn't going to become a felon. Came out nice though despite the crappy day and the lack of thirty bucks to get my truck back.
Muffin the rudegirl, erm, rudeskunk! (Well, she's already got the basic coloration:) Maybe she's going to see Let's Go Bowling or the Toasters.. Muffin © me! (BTW, how many of you WA furs are gonna be at Bumbershoot this year? Whee!)
Sphinxes! Sphinxes! Sphinxes! Whee! Fun!
Companion Drawing of tb_dsan.jpg, A detailed bust sketch of my main persona, looks like I've just spent the past 3 or 4 days online without stopping.. (we've all done that.. right?) Shaded Pencil on Bristol. Timebase and art © me.
My first(okay, second..but the first to be completed) ever picture of Trixi. Her response to this picture when I made it.. "Awesome.. That's Trixi.. er.. but she's gray" Live and learn.. pencil/pen/photoshop. Trixi is © as always to Candy Lewin art © me.
This is a pencil sketch of a fox couple. It is work in progress for an up and coming furry role-playing computer game. I will be designing the cover art for the box. Please do not copy or distribute.
Ha! I *meant* it when I said I'd get even with Jason for drawing me as a cow! So I posted this self portrait of himself! Hahaha!! He told me he never, *ever*, wanted this pic to be displayed *anywhere*!! Serves him right!! Oh, BTW, his name is pronounced "fur-NESS". And YOU thought it was "Furnace" all this time, didn't you?? Mwahaha!! I've been stringing you along!! Hahaha!!! Um...*ahem*...
Catnel in a wedding dress... I always wanted to wear a wedding dress. Catnel D. Purrcanta © Colleen D. Phillips
I did this in ball point pen and coloured pencils when I was a little upset. I think it turned out Good. :) No Name Wolf-hybrid :)
I've been on vacation for a while, and I'm back! Anyway, I drew this because I wanted to do something cute. So here's a picture of a rather uneasy meeting of a baby pegasus, dragon, phoenix, and unicorn.
It's the invasion of the unicorns and pegasuses! Okay, try and say 'pegasuses' three times fast. Anyway, here's a pic of a baby curious unicorn, an old wise unicorn, a flying pegasus, and a pegasus that's resting.
<August 17, 1997>