<August 13, 1997>
This is supposed to be a drawing of Kendall. He looks a bit young in this pic. Is that a good thing or a bad thing?
Two men are climbining up a mountain. Halfway up the mountain, one looks at the other and says, "Radishes or no radishes, I'm going to learn to pleay the drum with my teeth!" The other nods and says, "If you can't eat sandwitches with your ears, then what the heck is the point of sleeping naked?" Oh yeah, this is a drawing of a dragon eating pizza....
So now we're into marching bands, eh? Our old band director gave up on having us march at football games due to our lack of coordination. The new band director has us march once a year in the DaffodilParade (some of you NW furs probably know what I'm talking about). Last year's "uniform" was: buy your own Hawaiian shirt. The school paid for our plastic leis. Naturally, it rained. It always rains. I think the weather gods hate us. Let's hear it for the most wretched band this side of Mt. Ranier! Yaaay!
B.C. said he'd sic a bunch of Superferrets on me if I didn't hurry up with the next installment of Muffin the PlungerSkunk. You just can't argue with that. Here it is. Muffin © me! (These files will be kinda large in order to preserve image integrity and keep the lettering legible:)
After the War. Modeled after my late cat, Fossil. His character (or as it was towards the end) is very well captured here. This bobcat looks like some old battleaxe who really wishes he wasn't involved after all...
This has a story attached to it. In my last high school yearbook, there was an alphabet in the back of the book under which everyone's names were listed in index fashion along with the pages they appeared in. You could buy a letter, and have the pic of your choice printed above that letter. Me and Calypso joined up and bought a few, including V for Voluptuous Vixens. The staff, however, goofed and spelled it "Vixons." Lovely, the state of California's educational system.
"I'm no Bugs Bunny. I'd break your heart." Inspired by the famous stamp, this graphic will be the e-mail button on my homepage.
Spittlefest at HoneyBadger's Burrow. Some people don't know how to say it without spraying it.
The multitalented Toledo of Furtoonia!
The tenth, surprisingly enough, in my AAC series! I had planned to wrap this up with the last one, but Fenn was nice enough to send a scan of my entry in his sketchbook. As Sully has already divulged, the theme of it was, "If sketchbook is lost, please return to Fenn." Here I send the little lost sketchbook on its way home. :)
Was done around the time of the Comet for inclusion in a Fanzine over here. Thank God I didn't go with my first idea of having those programmers in the Suicide pact with the Hale-Bopp comet meeting their aliens! :)
<August 13, 1997>