<August 6, 1997>
OK, here's a big cheery SCFA welcome to Kynliod Dewphire, a way-cool, right-on artist and Redwaller! Hiya Kyn!
Drawn during the recent outages. Man, now I really know where my priorities are ;) (Anise, o'course, is © me!)
It's the pic I sent to Hysteria on her birthday! Those gray thangs that used to come with Kit-Kats will soon become quite valuable, since they don't make them anymore. Kit-Kat © Whoever; Hysteria © The Miyamoto Crushed Berry-Juice Co.
Ron Raccoon!
HOWIE: Jason wanted Mark and me to get a present for his sister's birthday, so we got her the ultimate all-purpose gift! You know, most people throw these things away. MARK: Yeah, they shouldn't throw 'em away. I hear they taste pretty good, even tho they make ya die...
Here's the color version. B-Artisan demonstrates his skill with the bagpipes. Capellans are some truly talented folks! :) Idea © Anise, B-Artisan © B.J.
Here's a comissioned work I did for StormWolf, giving a nice hug to his good friend Dandy! :) StormWolf © Chris Zawadski, Dandy © Marco Morales
<August 6, 1997>