<June 18, 1997>
My new character, Jazz. Maybe the coloring turned out wrong... just maybe.
I was going through some of my childhood artifacts the other day and came across this, drawn by me at the tender age of seven. I would draw anthro cats all the time- I called them "saturn cats". I was a pretty odd little kid.
Aah, summertime! If only it was this sunny around here....
Brush-inked sketch of Ozymandias, who just happens to be © Rain Simpson.
Hiya Taan! Toldja I'd do a pic of you. So here's Taan, of The Muck That Used- to- Be- Redwall- Muck- But- Isn't- Anymore- And- Now- It's- Something- Else- But- I- Can't- Remember- The- New- Name- Which- Figures- Because- I- Never- Muck- Anyway- Muck. Yeah. Taan© Jessica Park :)
Nisyha's dressing up as Emma again. Nisyha is Emily Smith's terrible creation. =) Early '97.
Yasha as Mel B. Yay! YashaKittyCat! Yasha's © to Emily Smith, of course. Yep, you guessed it... another early '97.
The day Jason first signed on to SCFA was the day he graduated from high school. But the big procrastinator waited until just *now* to post this pic. I understand it took him a while to find graduation caps and gowns in our size, but plan ahead, Jason!!!
Lucky thanks Sibby and Lazarus Rat for the gift of catnip! Would've posted this sooner, but it took a while to drag her away from her gift.
This one's deddykated t' evryone who wants help on drawin' duck bills! Or MINE, at least...
This is just a couple of quick sketches I did of that *other* notable cat in the hat, Asrial! The upper one is a kind of an acknowledgement of the style of Badvibes (Matt Burt) whose use of perspective I admire greatly. :)
<June 18, 1997>