<June 17, 1997>
In the radioactive deserts around Mesa Negre, a mutant posse poses for a portrait with their prized artifact weapons. These guys are characters in a "Gamma World" campaign I'm running. L to R we got Hannibal, Pedro, Billy the Goat, Joe Dog, "Slick" Willie, Texas Jake Horse, Helio Espinosa, and Largo. All characters © their players.
Portrait of Johnny Blanco. Hey Johnny!
Ball-point sketch I did at work during my lunch hour. I rather liked this one too :)
Here's a little experiment with brushed ink and pencil shading. Eclipse, a black panther in a 19th century frock coat.
Fauxx wishes to know how I feel about his light-hearted attempt to swell my head? *chuckle* Sorry, Fauxx... but this cat is nothing if not humble. Any attempt to swell my head, even fancifully, will result in total failure. :) Fauxx © Brian Root
Here is a pic of the very nice Ciesal Cattis :) Thanx for your kind words about my art! It's rare compliments like these that make drawing worthwhile :) Ciesal © her very nice flattering type self =^_^=
*Sigh* ever dream up a pic and have it turn out exactly the way you envisoned it? This drawing of Sonic and Sally is one of those rare pictures. I recently got my own copy of issue 50 and yes there is a happy reunion scene :)(Sorry to spoil it for some of you guys)
This is a picture of one of my characters, Dash. Quite spunky, isn't she? Dash is of course © me.
This is a picture I drew recently, which shows my love of drawing unicorns and my scanner's way of reducing the quality of any picture that it gets its hands on. I hope you like it. :)
How to draw Morton Fox. Since I haven't put up any guidelines, anyone who tried drawing this character will end up doing a better job than I. This should take care of that. :)
Limpidity #140: Golf
Limpidity #141: Golf
Limpidity #142: Golf
Mortyn the Sorcerer of the Avalon Club inadvertently creates a bad pun demon. Yikes!
O.K... this one's hard to explain. It started out as a comment about some furs that get the WRONG idea about you if you try to be friendly, and went downhill from there. =o) [My apologies to R.S., of course.]
This is how Hybrid is seen on FurryFaire, all decked out in armour...I need photoshop!!! Hybrid is © me
This is Karu from Space:The Furry Fronteir, Karu is © me!
A color commission piece, Nemet and his wife Irena on their wedding day. Characters copyright their respective players.
<June 17, 1997>