<June 6, 1997>
As soon as school gets out and I have more spare time, I'm going to do a major home-page renovation. These are gonna go on my commissions page (still under construction) Hey, I'm a semistarving artist, OK? :)
Sketches! Kolinsky, a young sable, and two hyperactive ferrets, Cecilia and her first mate (who doesn't really have a name yet. Suggestions, anyone?) Kolinsky, Cecilia, what'shername © moi :)
Heh. Weasels are cool. I LIKE drawing weasels. These are two of the more rambunctious. Left to right: Manny and Errin, both © me
Is this the REAL "Unabomber????" ;)
Grey Lensman Gene Catlow, protecting the galaxy from the hideous Boskone. I found out Gene's as much a Lensmen fan as I am, and I mean the original books, NOT the ripoff anime. Anybody who's into 30's and 40's pulp science fiction has the right stuff to be a Lensman, as far as I'm concerned. Clear Ether, Gene! Gene Catlow © Albert Temple, Lensmen & Boskone © E.E. "Doc" Smith
Quiz: What is the Sue-chan's comment in this picture? (E-mail me your idea!)
Wow! interactive SCFA! wave of the future! Thanks for overwhelming (three, so far) response for "What Sue-chan saying?" campaign! 'I got used to that kind of stuff over the years - but THIS is ridiculous!'(M.G.) "Whew! that plane smells TERRIBLE! and coming from a skunk, i know what bad smells like!" (E.F.) "Oh, and I suppose you think 'Im' responsible for this!"(R.H.)
It's the rat version of S.D."Bob"Plissken, my hero! "Call me Snake..."
This is a scaled down version of the image I designed for the front of a t-shirt. If all goes according to plan, I am going to try and get this printed before I leave for America and AAC. I'll be beinging a supersoaker too *grin* This image is a scaled down version of the big image. I'll try and upload the big one to my dir on if I can get a good enough connection.
In this installment of Abacus' Ray Junco story, Gene gets the chance to talk to the lieutenant, who has just shot an innocent bystander in the pursuit of his partner's killer. Gene isn't sure what he can say to Ray, but he feels somefur should say something, so... Ray Junco is © Jason Williams
Its me and Elidra Fox chillin' at the mall :)(Yeah Elidra, I know camping was the theme but this is my version of "ruffing it" :) Eldira doesn't quite look like herself unfortunately (I chalk that one up to my species. Maincoons are naturally playful and I couldn't resist playing around with your design. I'm sorry :) Oh well, hope you like my rendition of you Elidra ©her nice e-mail sendin' self =^_^=
A teeny-tiny face shot of my favorite lemur, Ikyoto. [Who really isn't solid blue, as I said. =o)] I drew this to try to figure out how to draw a lemur's face, in my own twisted style. I should have drawn it larger then 1.7 inches square. =o)
I finally got around to telling the SCFA's least aptly nicknamed artist how much I like his work. [I'm terribly paranoid when it comes to mailspamming people out of the blue, which is dumb, because it's fun to get mail. =o\] I hope he'll forgive this little poke at his alias. =o)
<June 6, 1997>