<June 5, 1997>
By request of Azy! Here, she meets a certain lisping duck, who is glad someone asked for HIS autograph, instead of a certain Wabbit's. And for those of you who don't know, Daffy was saying "Sufferin' Succotash" before Sylvester was. Daffy and Sylvester © Warner Bros. Don't sue!!! I did this for FREE!!!
Can you say "comeback", kids?? I knew you could. Here's someone we haven't seen in a while, uh, what's her name? Do *you* know, Mark? MARK: Fookie! HOWIE: Quit talking gibberish, Mark. Tell me her name! MARK: Fookie Da Fossa! HOWIE: Nevermind...This pic is dedicated to EG and MelSkunk (she inspired the shirt)! This character, whoever (and WHATever) she is, is © Carol Schneeweiss, and appears in that comic I made with Gene, the Raccoon Kids, Tim, and Azy in it. And the character on her shirt does, too!
An ambigram is writing that reads the same upside down as right side up.
<June 5, 1997>