<May 29, 1997>
A REALLY ANGRY bunny rabbit sketch! More to come soon...
AAAAHHHHH!!!!! feels good to finally have that pic uploaded! here it is! the one scanned a LOOOOOOOONG time 'go!
'nother one of sally. looked better uncolored as does almost everything ELSE i upload. =( it was an expeirement w/ more water color stuff anyways!
This is a fur i created....just doodles, really! it's soooo good to upload once again!
again, some more doodles. the one witht hte baseball bat DOES have pants! it just isn't COLORED!
it's an old drawing. one of me holding a self portrait.
Another attempt at a self-portrait, artier and more pensive this time. The orginal drawing was in pencil and markers; but after I scanned it, opened it in Photoshop and converted from RGB color (JPEG) to indexed color (GIF) I got this unexpected but fantastic result.
Greetings to Abacus Jura, who furnished me with a warm welcome shortly after I joined the SCFA. Abacus Jura © Jason Williams
More stuff from the sketchbook. The Missouri Birdman is the tabloids' name for an alien cyborg currently in the government's employ.
I sent this image to Gene Catlow in reference to an extremely muddled e-mail I'd sent him. He didn't actually react this way, I just like drawing him as a mad scientist. Gene Catlow © Albert Temple
Capellans have a tendency to turn everything into a game, and thus the chore of delivering nutrients to the antibacterial microbes in the ducts becomes an impromptu game of hoops for Gene and B-Artisan. Gene Catlow © Albert Temple
Here's a twisted little one liner from my evil brain. This image arose from an e-mail conversation with Spaceroo that neither of us had ever seen a Trek episode where they beamed down with anything more than their spiffy little uniforms. Spaceroo © John Siemer
It's the *Back to the 70's* collection! You'd have to buy 1,210 individual albums just to hear all the great tracks included on this *ONE* album! Order your set now starting with "1978" by writing: Afro Puff P.O. Box 18 San Oshkosh, Oklatucky, 49311
A much better approach I think than that awful cartoon they've got now. Oh well. :) (Skippy © WB, Spengler Skunk © Tom Ziolkowski)
Matt's little fox guy is playing imaginary hide-and-seek with me. I am the chandaleer (how is it spelt?). Explanation 1: In THE BOOK, most ships have many rooms with carpet-all. So the carpet is even on the ceileings. (and for good reason) Explanation 2: I have becoem addicted to programming. Every bit of my spare time is going twards it. However at my new job as a gounds keeper, I have 30mins for a break. Therefore, although in a very anti-furry environment, I am able to draw. This is what I did today cause of the lonlyness of a fellow furry.
toonff.gif revisited. This time I did the toon wolf in a different style and he's now holding a pencil.
Spaceroo, Ozymandias, and Ikyoto the loveable bravehearted lemur [who really ISN'T neon blue like this... long story. =o)] dance a save away. Coconino County gets a little weird around midnight. =o) [I need to think up a good background someday. And recolor it, and... =o)]
A Caitian in a classic Trek uniform crouches in front of a cargo container, ready to pounce on a loose Tribble. Commisioned pic.
A Caitian in a classic Trek uniform hang onto a firmly-rooted palm tree as a hull breach progresses behind her. She won't be in danger much longer, a force-field will secure the hole very soon. Commissioned pic.
B'Aijha lying on her stomach, looking fairly predatory as she almost always does. Commissioned pic.
From a quick game of baseball of FurryMuck one night. Lindgold, Annabel (and her pet ant), and Bander pose for a team photo. Okay, so it's a small team. All characters are copyright to their respective players.
A stripey tiger fem casually sits, facing the viewer. Commissioned pic.
<May 29, 1997>