<May 1, 1997>
Baigan the Warrior of the RW Club! Huzzah!
Brome, for the mouse of the same name from the RW Club. Done in watercolor pencils! Ooh! Aaah!
Could I call myself a true furry artist if I didn't draw Gene Catlow? (Probably, but it wouldn't be as fun:) Now, lessee- Gene can rewire a fax to scan, he's into World Domination, hmmm, methinks there be a pattern here (Nothin'personal, Gene, I just have a thing for cartoonish supervillains. Such as Professor Rach :)
An assortment of ferrets- the non-morphic one is the RL Cecilia...
Part one of The Continuing Adventures of Floyd, the Magical Jellyfish, Ever-Vigilant Defender of the Ocean. Watch for Part Two tomorrow. (Oo! A cliffhanger!)
Jeras! Doing one of those "Fireball Fist" things that furry mages always have to do.... Jeras © his noble self
Oakpetal of the RW Club!
It's Pakatugg Treefleet! For Paka of the RW Club... Note the intricate background- this is as complex as my backgrounds get. Revel in the forested glory of it. Oooh! Aaah!
Mrs.Brisby,thinking about Jonathan...(or Justin???)
*You're* puzzled at my popularity, Roland? I'm getting E-mail wondering if the ratman is gonna change the name of the site to the Squeaky GENE Furry Archive! (I have NO desire to see that happen, BTW!) I canNOT figure it out... but I do know that Roland Redpelt is © G.Raymond Eddy and that Rian Real is © Chris Cummins, so at least I've got that much sense. :)
Ummmm.... my art is cool and without any real explanation?? Ummm... well... Abacus is © Jason Williams and Eric is © Eric Schneider, so at least I've figured *that* much out...
I'm not merely pleading humility, Illys... I *am* humble. :) (Oh, BTW... your Sonic pic ROCKED!!) Illys Dalle © Jeanette Merrell
<May 1, 1997>