J.C. Amberlyn (DesertCoyote) —2/2 >
heh- Well, for those interested, these are the other pages I've put out on the web so far from my "How to Draw Western Wildlife" book idea. This is the Abert (tassel-eared) squirrel page (page one of about 3 altogether on squirrels)....
Here's an example of the sort of thing I've been working on lately: a "How to Draw Western Wildlife" project. Obviously, this is the Desert Bighorn sheep section, page 1 of several. I hope to get this made into a book eventually. I've also seen a lot of desert bighorns lately, so it's natural I'd make a section on them. Well, back to work for me....busy busy....
Another pic from last year- also scanned and colored in Photoshop. Bobcat hunk!
Another pastel piece, this one a more realistic bobcat. These were both done today when the power went out and so I had nothing better to do than draw whatever I liked.
An attempt at illustration, such as you might see in an old nature book. Two young coyotes harassing a rather large bobcat- which is probably going to result in a scratched nose pretty soon. There are some problems- the coyote on the left is probably not leaning forward enough, but in my mind she is about to twist, turn, and land on her feet. But maybe only in my mind. /\_/\ I hope the rest of this picture works. F, H, and 2B Pencil on paper.
A study of a desert bighorn sheep- Max oil paints, 16 by 20" on canvas. Not the best photo scan, but it will do, I hope. /\_/\ Inspired by all the bighorns I've seen this year.
Cottontail Courtship... this is watercolor, with a little bit of pen and pencil. Influenced by the courtship dance I've seen rabbits perform, and the colorful clothing of Southwestern Native Americans. Will be available at FC.
I was trying to remember a mythological creature (which turned out to be a kirin) and I drew it the way I remembered it- this looks like an Oriental dragon-horse or something.
I try to experiment some, and I know I need to do more backgrounds and non-organic things, so here's an attempt at creating a water fountain that would probably exist in my "Spiral" story world.
Just some sketches of Furr Coyote (and 1 Yipper) from my drawing pad.... (Furr, Yipper, and all my other "Out of Oakwood Forest" characters can be found in the most recent issue of "Furrlough"! :))
Furr Coyote (from Out of Oakwood Forest) sketches.
More Furr Coyote sketches.
I'm back from Scotland, and this picture is a result of that. I saw tons of these birds, called Gannets- big white seabirds who look very stern...but didn't actually see puffins. Missed them by only a week and a half, too...erf! Next time....:) This image was the result of playing around with Painter and my Wacom tablet.
...and this is the Gray Fox page. Also just one of several pages on gray foxes. And, for the record :), I use both pencil and Pigma Micron pens, then scan the drawings into Photoshop and put in the text.
Long time no see, I know. Here's a recent art piece of my character Lydia in her gryphon form, from my comic book story "Spiral" (found in Radio Comix's Mangaphile). She may not be very good at flying yet, but the determination is there, at least! This image is currently up for auction on Furbid. Mixed media.
I've been a bit distracted due to some life dealings lately, but I thought I would post SOMEthing to let you all know I'm still alive! Javelina (collared peccaries) are CUTE, darnit!
When I was at FC I had some requests for a hyena pic- so here one is. :) It will be for sale at Confurence. Colored pencil on Bristol Board. Plus- Caytlin, have you received my emails? If not, sign my guestbook and let me know, please- and then watch my website main page. Thanks.
This is the drawing I did today, after finding out the creature I was trying to remember was called a kirin or ki-rin- this one is based more on the Japanese version, which is a bit more deer-like.
A few sketches- this one was inspired by learning about the "mantis" style of Kung Fu....after I heard about that, I just HAD to draw this.../\_/\
"I had first heard the legend from my parents...they spoke of a day when water FELL from the SKY! I didn't believe them....but world has changed." (Kind of how I felt when it really rained out here for the first time in at least a year...and how I imagined the local young coyotes reacting to it....:) ) Watercolor and colored pencil.
Whew! Finally done with this piece- took me two nights to do. It's Lydia, in her gryphon form, from my story "Spiral" (currently running in the comic book "MangaPhile"). Done in Painter and finished in Photoshop. Will probably be offered as a limited edition print at FC.
Lynx are furry....Plus- I wanted to say thank you to Herbie for his comments *blushes*- I love your work, with its wonderful use of mass and power and expression, too! :)
Another "yes I still live" post. A drawing of a very fluffy pine marten done for a friend! (Colored pencil.)
I'm still here! *waves* Sorry I've been absent, I was both sick AND busy traveling last month, and now I am even more severely behind in my emails! Ack! I'm still working on them, please have patience. This piece is a charcoal of a sphinx moth that I did a few weeks ago. *grins at Gryllis* Look! A Moth! :D
Mountain goats are whimsical creatures....
My Little Mountain Goat, My Little Mountain Goat, I want to brush his hair ...*sing with me*! :D (Ok, Ok, it was late, I was tired, I plead insanity- thank you.)
I have no idea what is going on here, but the moon was fun to paint. Yipper Coyote drawn using Painter and touching up in Photoshop.
More Nature Notes, due to popular demand (or something...)! Justin Opossum had his 15 minutes of fame, now it's Rocky Road Raccoon's turn.... Page 1 of 3.
Nature Notes- All about Raccoons, Page 2 of 3.
J.C. Amberlyn (DesertCoyote) —2/2 >