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I tried. I really tried to make it work in an industry, in a town, and in a "loving partnership," if you could call it that. But how can you make it work when your only purpose is to be used, feared, taken advantage of, exploited, and in the loss of your dreams make someone else feel as if they have some small merit of power. Fare well. But know that my leaving isn't for not having tried.
Pronounced, "Kaah-gae" which means 'shadow' in his native tongue (it's not his real name, but it's what everyone calls him.) He's a gear-head and a gadget-guy. He's got a pack for everything, and a widget for every occasion. He's totally into Kendo, RPGs and video games with giant robots.
Kasi as a young tiger. He is the captain of the elite palace guard for Lord Bayakko Soyokaze, a strong and well-loved Shogun. Though his life revolves around the fighting arts, he is a gentle and sensitive soul.
New image from the "Stuff | Wallpapers" section of the "Ghost Warrior" website. New images also added to the "Character Stills" gallery.
At long last, the DVD Deal for "Kaze, Ghost Warrior" has solidified! Pre-orders are now being accepted on the "Ghost Warrior" website, and won't be billed until the DVD ships in April of 2004). The publisher of my books is doing the DVD, and because it's new to them and they're not sure how many people would want to watch a movie of animated characters like these, in intense, dramatic situations, they have said that they'll "go to press" with the DVD if at least 700 pre-orders have been made by end of January, 2004 to cover the pressing costs...
"Kaze, Ghost Warrior" Production Still.
Kemu made the Yukon Quest team! She's available on the 'Quest's 2002 T- and Sweat-Shirts! ( (All proceeds go to the Yukon Quest.) The shirts look absolutely gorgeous, and it is so cool as the artist to be walking around town and see people proudly wearing them! Makes my heart just sing!
My apologies for the almost re-post, but the new edition of Keyframe Magazine, (Issue 33,) has over twenty full-color images of 3D works I've done, plus a rather lengthy article on how the "Reflected Light," (Fine Art created using 3D tools,) artworks were created. (It's almost like a portfolio - with lots of other cool stuff thrown in too! :) Keyframe should be in stores now in areas that have heavy concentrations of 3D Industry. It is also available directly from:
Artwork for an upcoming article in Keyframe Magazine, (,) about produciton pipeline techniques.
The new poster for "Kaze, Ghost Warrior." Many thanks to everyone who has helped support this Dream of getting these things I've seen in my head and felt in my heart for so long out to be shared with other Dreamers! The DVD is at the replicator... and it is an exquisite torment, waiting 'till this thing that has meant so much to me can be seen by others. And remember that this exists in part to show that you can do this too... share your own stories that have touched you more powerfully than any other. Share them with the rest of us and bring us into your worlds of beauty!
Movie-poster for "Kaze, Ghost Warrior." (If any would like one of their very own, they are available through - they have good prices, and very good quality for an on-demand print-shop. Available sizes: 11x16, 15x22, and 23x34". There's a link from the "KGW" Home-Page for the outrageously-long url for Zazzle's ID for this product.)
Portrait of Kiska (8"x10", Oil). The days are just packed! :) Lots of portraiture work recently, and prepping for a group showing in October (in Fairbanks). I have managed to do a little update to my website with a short section on how the 3D artworks were created... and a mailing list for the latest news on works, prints and sightings!
Another coffeeshop doodle. A quiet female fox, letting the warmth of a late summer day help to carry her mind back to summers past.
This is a quick sketch of Kemu. No, she's not hacking up a furball, she's yawning.
Detail from a painting, "Lead Dog/Lake of Clouds." Been doing a complete re-vamping and makeover to the artistic direction. Focusing on painting recently, there is now a homepage for the work, and have a new e-mail to boot! . . . [email protected]
A young cheetah... How do you explain why sometimes those you love have to go away?
"The Luxury of Time..." Main character from, "Kasi: Ghost Warrior." Read an excerpt from the novel at: -- follow the "Writings" link!
Just thinking of the lazy Sundays there used to be when life was simpler, when time was a luxury that was in great supply.
"The Magic After the Music..." Portrait of Thornwolf. (Thornwolf is copyright her player -- used with permission.)
This is a sketch I remember doing, but I can't seem to remember even remotely when I did it. It is a mala-moot thinking mala-mootish thoughts.
Matt just discovered the wonders of Mini Magneto-Optical Discs. Here, you see him in a rare occasion in his street-clothes. Every chance he gets, he's suited up in his vintage duds and swingin' with his swing-cats buds at one of the local swing-clubs.
In loving memory of a very dear friend. Your gentle, honest, loving and true soul will live in songs sung across the stars.
Doodle of michael while waiting on computers (that never happens, does it? ;P). Just trying out a new technique with a water-solulable pencil and brush.
Same doodle-time as michael1.jpg. This time he fell and got an owie. It's ok, the nurse on the set was there in a jiffy and fixed him all up. :)
No, I'm not tired, Momma.... >yawllllllllllnnnnnn< not tired a bit.
Just a little doodle of a contented bear.
"Mojo." A little sketch of one of my younger pups. A guy who always manages to see the bowl as half-full, (even when it's all-the-way empty :)
"Moonsong": The Moon's light, Sapphire snow, Moves the hardest hearts to wonder. (To the immeasurable beauty of an Alaskan winter night.)
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