David Ackermann (Otookee) —2/2 >
My Amber character was a Chaosite, and this was his "demon" form. He grew up in a Shadow among a tribe of werewolves, so his "normal" form was a furry wolfman instead of the usual human form. Pen and ink, scanned, colored with Painter 5, background created with Kai Power Tools.
My first attempt at computer coloring - a big bear with a big axe.
My "Black Bunny O'Doom" costume. Rat won't let me upload the photos, but I figured a drawing of it should be OK.
A bunny-gal, talking on a vidscreen. I made the transparent vidscreen effect in Illustrator/Photoshop, so I can drop it on top of various faces.
A generic bunny, playing her flute on a windy day...
Another panel from the Biz Wars post. I split them up to keep the files small. The mountains are clipped from a photo, all the rest was drawn in Painter5. Copyrights same as in BWzap1.jpg
Generic horse stallion, naughty bits erased to appease the Rat God. From a racial description sheet for my CyFurPunk campaign.
I've been making some drawings for Con of the North. One big color one involves a battle between CotN's mascot and a bunch of savage lizardmen. This fellow will be mostly hidden in the crowd when the pic is done, so I thought I'd extract his layer and put him up here.
A cute male bunny wearing a jacket. Partial pic.
Me and my Vest of Many Pockets visit the Minneapolis Zoo.
Pencil sketch of a scruffy-looking hyena person.
Dusk Aheyesviha, a tough, independent-minded female bunny. Here she's in an unusually peaceful mood, relaxing under a tree. hand-drawn and scanned, background added in Painter. Partial pic.
Another facial shot of Dusk Aheyesviha.
Draw our characters fat, eh? All right. Otookee discovers the downside to eating all the Christmas cookies and candy and fruitcake and eggnog ALL AT ONCE...
"Trust me!" Locksley the jennie-fox Fixer makes a deal over the phone. From my Neustral CyFurPunk RPG campaign. Locksley (C) his player.
An early furry drawing from high school- a pirate vixen.
Actually, busses and trains would smell *better* - fur-covered critters don't sweat like humans do. They pant instead ...
The rest is filled in using the Airbrush tools, and the Bulge brush on the bubbles. Taa-daah! The eeeevil Dr. Catlove in his orbital laboratory! Every mad scientist needs an orbital laboratory. And a start lever with a big red button on top.
I now carefully select and mask out each part of the image that will be a different texture or color, saving each mask with a descriptive name. Painter lets me choose the mask display color, so I set it to an approximation of the final color to let me judge the composition. This is the most painstaking and fiddly part of the process; it took over 3 hours for this pic. To save memory, I combine some small parts that are non-adjacent into the same mask.
This was a card for a friend of mine ... he plays a unicorn in my CyFurPunk campaign and his birthday's on Groundhog Day. Done in Painter 5.0 (no, it's not a photo background), nifty opalescent effects with Kai's Power Tools 5.
Generic space reptile with a gun. Old scan, colored in Painter 5 using Chalk and Airbrush tools.
A Lizard pic I drew on the cover of a cardboard box of Magic cards.
A Lizard child makes a toy spear from a bone and a stick. I've been drawing the Lizards since I was 5, and only gradually got into other critters.
Lizard shamaness, created for a set of cardstock figures (hence the "sample" overlay - I'm still selling them).
Lizards of rival tribes fighting. My second try at computer coloring. This is a partial pic - Rat objected to the red lizard's naughty bits so I chopped 'em off. :)
I got me a scanner! This is Melisande, feline ace reporter, and an NPC in my CyFurPunk campaign.
Koloorin in his ottaur form. Otters can't resist puns!
Yippeeee!!! Yerf's up! Done in Painter 5.0
An otter jams to the tunes on his waterproof Walkman.
Well, laid off, actually. This happened 2 months ago, right after my birthday, but only now has the bitterness receded enough to make a joke of it. There was no warning, I went to work one day as normal, six of us were called into the conference room and told "Clean out your desks by the end of the day". At least I got severance pay. Some birthday present, eh?
David Ackermann (Otookee) —2/2 >