< 1/2— David Ackermann (Otookee)
A roo mercenary. Old pic, but still my best roo to date. Original upload was bounced from Yerf for being too bulgy, so I chopped it off at the hips.
A Ratling from one of my roleplaying campaigns.
A centaur "sky burial". One of my first ever centaur pics.
The inestimable SqueeRat, dancing the night away! Done in Painter 5. Sorry the file is so big, but I had to set compression almost to zero to keep the shading from getting all blotchy. Squee Rat is c) C. Trotman of course.
A tigress in combat, armed with a gyrojet pistol and monomolecular sword. She's a villain from a recent (ok, not-so-recent) gaming session.
Trafalgar, the newest PC in our CyFurPunk campaign. He's a a security rat who found out too much and now his former bosses want him dead. Character c) Rebecca Teed
Done for Ken Fletcher's Spontoon zine. A group of Spontoon Islanders practice the "traditional volcano god sacrifice". Gotta get those tourist dollars!
"Would you like flies with that?" A lady spider gets some fast food from a minimum-wage mantis. Drawn at Minicon a while back.
< 1/2— David Ackermann (Otookee)