< 2/3— Kathleen Seaton (Punch)
- The Zanni Scapino. His name is derived from the Italian "scappare", which means "To Flee". Apparently. Seriously, I'm not making this stuff up!
- A picture inspired by the play THE LION IN WINTER, by James Goldman. Obvious symbolism..I couldn't help myself.
- These are croppings from a painting I'd been fiddling with all weekend. These are the only subjects that really suit this category, everything else is pretty heavily peopled. Found a book on Arthur Rackham's illustrations for "Ring of the Nibelung" and had a good ol' time. As if that weren't painfully obvious. I suppose I'll show the rest of the painting if I ever get around to setting up a website. Oh yeah, that thing. hmm.
- This is nice little pastoral scene involving three zannies, one of those "Questionable Women", and about a thousand thoroughly visible little pixel squares. Thanks a lot Modern Technology.
< 2/3— Kathleen Seaton (Punch)