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I've always been a fan of the action genre, and I try to help defend it from people who tend to bash it. Perhaps it isn't that the tough guys don't like cute and fuzzy, maybe they just haven't got to know it yet.
I finally finished the MGS2 commissions for Carlos! Here's Fortune from the set. The rest can be found on the website.
A commissioned pic of Tanya fighting Vanessa. Since the only boxing reference I had was "Rocky," I put it in the respected ratio so it fits the mood. Tanya is (C) herself and Vanessa is mine.
Okay, last X-Men pic...promise. Rogue done on the back of some useless hand-out in class. She's also on sale on my page, check it out at
My ode to my FAVORITE MOVIE!!! FOREVER YOUNG!!! Sorry about the bottom, haven't had much luck getting furries to kiss. Expect a lot of Mel Gibson stuff later, I'm working on a Braveheart and a Gallipoli furry Mel, so lemme know what ya think of this one!
Me as a furry! Finally!
"Who ya gonna call?!" (C) Columbia Pictures.
Another random image that came into my tiny little head. A wolf guy holding a glock looking at a fallen ice cream cone. Is it his? I dunno.
A quickie pencil I did today which I'll try to color once I get these comissions done. I've seen three of the best picture nominees for this year so far, and this one is still my favorite. (C) Castle Rock Entertainment.
A commission pic for Stuart Asher of his character Griz. Sorry it took so long. Now on to those Metal Gear 2 commissions...
A pic of a random bunny gal with a gun. I like how it turned out, especially her face.
Robin and me putting together my big@$$ new Gundam.
A Gurlukovich sentry from the MGS2 commission set for Carlos. His camo was pretty tough to figure out. The others can be found on the site.
I've never been a wrestling fan, but I am a Hulkamaniac. Now and forever, HULK RULES!
A monotone Vanessa looking very wishful. Consider this my Christmas pic. ^_^ Good wishes to you and yours. New Chosen poll at Chosen is (C) me.
A pic of Hayes and Prowl based on the "Old Friends" storyline, which just went up on the site. Thanks to Phoenix for helping writing the script for this one, as well as to Joan for her help with the story.
Hard at work.
My half of an art trade with Aqua. It's one of her as Indiana Jones. Blue characters are fun! Aqua's property of herself, Indiana Jones is Paramount, and the image is mine.
My brother bought one of those Star Wars: Unleashed figures a couple days ago. The dynamic stuff inspired this Janice pic. I'll get to coloring it...eventually.
Vanessa's new partner, Jarvis Besson. I've finally gotten around to putting up that story I've had for Vanessa, if you're interested it'll be posted at PLEAAAAAASSSEEEE give me feedback!
I've had "Duel of the Fates" in my head all week, so I decided to do a pic of it. This'll be the last Star Wars pic I'll do for a while, I gotta get cracking on those pic requests! Jedi, good and bad, are (C) Lucasfilm Ltd.
The X-Men's resident red-head, Jean Grey Summers. Last I heard of her, she was calling herself Phoenix again, but I haven't picked up one of those comics in years. Oh well. Jean's (C) M.E.G. and image is mine.
Due to requests, I've hired someone to keep my "Chosen" art on schedule. Expect new stuff any day now.
An ode to my favorite contemporary director, John McTiernan! Here's a quiz for you movie fans out there, what McTiernan films did these critters come from? Left to right: Dutch, John McClane, Jack Slater, Marko Ramius, Thomas Crown, and Ahmad Ibn Fadlan.
My half for a long-overdue pic trade with Katarina Lium of...well...Katarina Lium. She's (C) her and pic's mine.
A pic done as a "thank you" to Joan for helping me write a couple Team-V issues. She said she wanted Kawamori as a Jedi, but didn't have any specifics. I suggested Anakin from AOTC. I've been waiting 20 odd years to see a Jedi handle dual sabers and I finally saw it. It's my fav moment in the flic (yes, including the Yoda diddy).
She can do anything.
Kawamori's model sheet. I usually don't show these to anyone, but people wanna know. Go fig. I'll have a layout tutorial on my page in a day or two. There are some updates now, nothing major.
Kelly and me from the Matrix~! Another Kellyfur "commission." ^_~
Cute Kelly in da snow.
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