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The only bust I decided to keep up from the origional like, seven I did. This one is obviously the best, and I'm quite proud of it. Radha's fun to draw... wheeee... Radha © me
This is a semi-new character of mine.. she is the result of a week of almost non-stop reading of Pike's "The Last Vampire" series. Those crystal blues, pale fur, and silky golden hair are courtesy of Sita (the vampire main char.) Her name (Radha) is courtesy of the Indian (as in Hindu, not Native Am.) religion. She was the consort of Lord Krishna (God, duh). Did anyone know Radha means "longing?" Now you do. OH, and she doesn't normally have wings.. But it looked too good to pass up. =D Radha © me
And here's ANOTHER picture of our lovely lady Radha... this time in a Star Trekkie (the ORIGIONAL) outfit. Heh... I don't think she's realized yet how short that skirt is. Can we say "hooker?" Don't get me wrong... I love my Star Trek! But didn't anyone just wanna buy Uhura a nice pair of sweat pants?? Radha still © me
I decided I hated the background on razrain.jpg, so here it is, totally reworked--as razdress. This is picture number one in my tribute to my favorite Yerf artists. RazBerri © Erin Vernon
I'm so glad Yerf is up! Now I can take my mind off my life with pointlessly silly furry drawings! Rapture... =D Okay, okay... here, for your viewing enjoyment (??) is Regan, a good friend of mine iRL and a purty li'l green-eyed vixen. Regan is naturally © me, and shall be sicced unmercifully <msp?> on anyone I deem worthy.
After a lo-o-ong hiatus, Teresa Lane is finally back... with a new look, no less. This was a one in a million beautiful drawing of her, and I'm very proud of it. Are you?? *clearing throat* Anyway... here ya go, folks: 'Resa, the lovely... whatever the heck she is. 'Resa (still) © me
Teresa Lane at age 13. (Longer hair, no leather jacket, no piercings.. sca-a-ary) This is a piture with a story behind it.. unfortunately, I'm too lazy to really say much except - this is right after her "foster father" Raiho was killed by the local police. Yes, I know it's sad... but I wasn't in a happy-happy-happy mood when I drew it, so nyah. =P~ Teresa © me
This is Teresa Lane, holding a chick and looking almost NOT discontent. (We aren't sure how long it'll last, so get your cameras now!) Lookit that, 'Resa's jacket is open.. you can see her shirt! Ooo, aaah... eeehhh... Teresa © me
... so I was thinking I should do I a picture dedicated to all the demons we keep locked up inside, and what better furson to use than Teresa Lane herself?? Yes, I know she looks anorexic... if you lived on the streets, so too would you. Yes, I know she's in her undies-wear. Yes, I know I forgot to draw her tail. It's not my fault -- the goblins made me do it. Teresa © me (i think the pain med-ee-kay-shun is kicking in, hehe.. whaaa??)
All right.. I'm BACK. Well, kinda.. I've been gone for family stuff (and Drivers' Ed, YEAH!) and then I was gone because my scanner was -- and still is -- broken.. so I was digging around to find something, ANYTHING to up-load, and found this li'l diddy of 'Resa, lookin' unnaturally thin and staring down at the city below. Umm.. well.. yeah.. Teresa Lane © me
Color me 17. ^_^ Yes, as of 10-22-99, Erynne Waltman has hit The Big One-Seven. (Sounds like a comic book name) To celebrate, I had a huge party, stayed up far too late, got sick, and generally enjoyed myself. Erin celebrated by going to the top of a hill with Bliss and smoking a cigarette. Erin looks displeased... doesn't she always?? Erin © me, Bliss © Mandy B.
Yanno, I am just the type of fur who'd sneak up behind other furs and scare the bejeezums out of 'em... which is the basis of this picture! Bliss-chan and Erin Cat get a giggle out of Erin's psychotic tendencies. Bliss © Amanda Barney, my bestest "Umm... friend" ever; Erin Cat still © E. Waltman
"I'm just a lovey-dovey mother phrucker..." (yes, yes, I tried to make the curse word more... um.. nice) C'est moi. Er.. the furry representation of moi. This is actually the outfit I wore today... and the li'l blue thing on my pants in the Jnco symbol. Yes, I've said the thing in the bubble before. I love being jaded and cruel. Heh... Erin © me, lyrics © my sweetguy, Chris Routt
I was mentally going through my closet, picking out what I'd wear to a club. I remembered friends telling me this shirt I have is perfect... and thus, this picture was born. Erin Cat, in my tight, shimmery, velvet shirt, an amazing skirt, and fishnets. Everything in this picture, I own--with the exception of the skirt, which I think I gave away. "Mrow, baby" is right!!! Erin Cat © me!! ^_^
Erin Cat makes yet another appearance in my clubbing clothes. This is much simpler... and since I love simplicity... ^_^ I know I definately own all that's in this picture... love those jeans. Erin Cat © me
"Yeah, I do drugs. I thought you knew." Um, right... how much, what kind, and why? Erin © myself
Yet another NiN inspired picture. Maybe NiN and drawing should be my permanent therapy. Again, my belief in simplicity is shown in my clothing. I'm not the type to run around in extravagence. Gimmie my tee shirt and jeans and I'll purr the house down. ^^ Erin © me, "Hurt" lyrics © Trent Reznor
Umm, hello. ... ...... description?? It's Erin, redesigned. My heavy influences are Aimee Major and Bevin (both of whom are extremely talented girls). To translate what Erin is saying, "Smiling this hard hurts." Erin © me (so kiss my grits, nootch!)
I started drawing this for sh!ts and giggles (whee) and um... Erin looks grossed out by something. For some reason, when I look at this, I picture someone out of the frame saying, "Hey, Erin! Come look at this--it's pretty tasty!" Anyway.... Erin © me
Another "The Last Unicorn" inspired pic... a running unicorn. See how blue it's face is? It's entire body WAS a pale blue.. 'till my cralfrappy scanner ATE THE COLOR! *furyfuryfury* So, anyway... enjoy my unicorn! Goddess knows when I'll have the courage to try one again! *ggl* Nameless running unicorn isn't exactly © to me, but I'll bite yer hand off if you try to take her. ^_^
Teresa Lane, resting her head on her arms and staring into the distance. I'm not exactly sure where this is set, but it kind of feels like the inside of a bar or some type of place like that. Teresa is © me
I was watching one of my Unico videos... and suddenly felt like drawing Beezle, the devil of solitude... and I wasn't sure if a devil was furry, so I added the baby unicorn Unico for good effect!! Unico and Beezle are both © Sanrio
Oh, look: it's ... SANTA QUINN!!!..... *expectant silence*..... *koff* Anyway... this is my one and only Christmas picture, and I almost had to beat myself into it. NOT a big Christmas fan. *sniffle* Well, anyway... Quinn wishes you a Merry Crazymouse!! I hope everyone is having Happy Hollydaze. =) Quinn © me (and i've had a new noel-quinn story up for several days; hopefully, i'll have another one up soon)
My second picture in my tribute to my favorite Yerf artists... It's Charla Trotman's Squee Rat!! Now why is she grynning so big? Could it be the (backwards) peace symbol she's flashing? Shame on her... Squee © Charla Trotman (Sorry how lousy it's colored, BTW! I promise a better one sooner or later)
Aaahhh hahahahaha!!!! Yes, I am still alive out here... kinda. Anyway, so I've been meaning to do this pic for awhile... before Erin and Bliss were Erin-and-Bliss, they were just a couple of loner chix (Erin out of choice, Bliss out of shyness) passing in the day. Anyway, here they are looking freekin' adorable... but not 'together' yet. Cigarette.. *drool* I love cancer sticks... © info on the picture, for once. ^_^
Just a nice, boring picture of Teresa Lane regarding you from the corners of her eyes, hands shoved into her pockets. For some reason, I decided to forgo drawing the black raven's feather earring Teresa normally has in her ear... ah, well... 'Resa © me
For the sake of purity, the filename and descr. of this JPG have been changed. ^^ So, anyway... a lot of crap came to a head the other day and literally pushed me over the edge. Since I am not capable of showing emotions physically, I drew this. This is my therapy. (My shrink wouldn't agree) The lyrics are Trent Reznor's from NiN (yaaay, trent!). I like the shirt.... anyway. Erin © me, "Terrible Lie" lyrics © Trent Reznor
I was wanting to draw a male character about a week ago, and I decided--hey, let's try the face first!! So, here it is... this.. head... This head is © me. =) And, oh, hey, wow... I'm 16 today!!! Happy Birthday to ME-E-E-E... rawk on, li'l grrl. =D
And I continue on (and on) with my tribute to my favorite Yerf artists. Here we have Trixi Bigfoot dancing to music that apparently only she can hear. Love your art, Ms. 'Foot, ma'am.... Trixi © Candy Lewin
Vivian Lupis, backing slowly away from something off the screen. From the way she's looking up, I get the mental image of a hulking bully-type fur. (Someone get the stun guns!) Vivian is © me
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