Cassandra Gunn (Ultraviolet) —2/2 >
Recent commission for a book mark. Turned out to be quite a fun little venture for me :) It is double sided with the edges/border being holographic paper, which, of course, scanners hate :P
The other side of the bookmark commission. Handsome fellow. I'm quite keen on his outfit :D
Ah finally finished this commission. She must travel far to deliver her messages. Mixed digital and real media.
I love corvids! This lil guy is keeping warm and cozy on his perch on a cold foggy Edinburgh morning. For those of you unfimiliar with the city, that shilloette in the background is the Scott Memorial at the heart of the city. DOn't worry I won't make a big habit of posting much non anthro stuffs.
Oh goodness am I slow with everything lately. A silly little card I made for Erin. Gotta love Dingbat :) Of Course, there are always Stawberry plushies! :D
UV and Dingbat chillin' out in a misty forest clearing. Both pigging out on loads of yummy fruits. For Erin Middendorf and the trading post :)
Initially this was made as a card for my niece. it was quite a quick marker drawing without a background. But I decided to spruce it up digitally. To make her more vivid and within a suitable environment. It was also inspired a lot from all the great artists that drew UV on the trading post. So in turn I suppose this is also a thank you image :) And hey, I was practicing with lighting :D
Part one of my advertising project. Had to do a Heinz Spagetti Hoops magazine ad with a product shot. The hoops and sauce turned out more pinkish read than the orange color I'd planned :P But I still like the giraffe, He's so happy!
My persona, (defying the heat in that coat I am sure) turning death into life. A Shina forest which was destroyed millenniums ago through the wars.
I'm obcessed with corvids! I had to jump at drawing Kenket on the trading post :) All hail the trickster! She's enjoying her morning Kawfee, laughing, and daydreaming about what tricks she'll play on poor Coyote today.
Had to reupload this one. made some digital changes to it and, I like it better. Was for the lovely Stina
Well, haven't uploaded in some time now. This isnt particularly new but it -IS- very sweet. Tizzrah and Vensik K-I-S-S-I-N-G...
Not my typical style, but I love this lil guy. Just look him! It's full of maddening batty cuteness. And egads! If only you could see how tooth rottingly cute the face on that moth is!
Sha'Kumni, my guardian-god of the Shiimoran moons, Lunara & Lathuin. His realms are of night and darkness, he is watcher and collector of evils and he is the force of death. He and his minions collect souls and guide them into the afterlife. He also embodies all creatures who are under the power of the night or moons.
UV's companion, Neru the cybertastic space-pirate! Ray guns are gooood! yesssss,....
Nora! For the Trading post. *my brain hurts, I need a new one.
oCeLoT for Amara and the trading post overflow. Almost forgot to post it in my gallery! Ah, I love her art :)
Just a small gift for very dear friend. Give a giraffe a cupcake?
Part two of my advertising project. Had to do a Heinz Spagetti Hoops magazine ad with a product shot. The hoops and sauce turned out more pinkish read than the orange color I'd planned :P I still pretty happy with the joyful snake!
Drawn as an apology to someone for my ridiculous daftness :P So to make it up to him, I immortalized him as a Ukimori. And yes,.. He does have such a colorful outfit :D
Behold! For he is love amongst squids! First in a series of shirt designs. I'm obsessed with cephalopods! :D
Cute squid pen sketches! Including the happy humboldt! Anyone who knows me, knows I've a scary passion for all things mollusk! Especially cephalopods.. even more so SQUID! *joy* Humboldts, bobtails and dumpling squid, oh my! Reuploaded already, sorry about that as I added other cute squidy sketches. The letters are there as a refference for my friends to pic thier fave squidies! :D
Matt Harpold's character Stllwater, holding a cute lil toy Turbine Divinity. Awwww!
*pant pant* A college project themed on textures. My boi, Eros balancing a knife. Extra brownie points to those who can guess what I used. Still not sure if I'm happy or not :P
A mixture of ideas. Not entirely set in stone. Tiamat, the earth goddesss, of sorts in a more Wyrm style. A spiral, symbolic of the movements of the goddess and the spiral and circle of life.
For the TP. Kilojara's Tignar! Yay for bishie tattoed dragons! I don't have the time to do what I planned with it. He was going to have an elaborate backround of a demolished theater and city behind him. He's using his telekinetic powers to make things go BOOM!
I know, I'm a bit early with this, but it's my favorite holiday! Pre-teen Ultraviolet trick or treating on your doorstep. Something I'd like to point out, is that Shi'imora's darkest nights are no darker than dusk. That is due to a large sun and two large and bright moons. So night there isnt all that dark. Happy Early Halloween anyways! :D
A commission of UV dancing away for Fiawol. She loves dancing. Yup.
Mixture of werewolf myths in Scotland and the British legend of the Black Shuck. Apparently if you saw The Shuck, it was a warning that death is near at hand. { Not necessarily by his doing ;) }. Now with all that I saw while living in the Scottish Highlands, its not hard to believe. Especially after seeing countless mauled sheep bodies :P
Ink and graphite. My wolf Nikoli plays his sad and beautiful music. Mourning at the grave of his late mate and comminicating with the spirits of earth and nature.
Cassandra Gunn (Ultraviolet) —2/2 >