< 2/3— Mike Luce (Thomas Blue, T)
For Trading Post #21, Spades and Krandle who are ©Jillor. AI + PS. Thomas Blue 2003.
Portrait of a friend's character, an ocelot named Colin Steele. I've only read 17 pages of this person's story and the character grabbed me enough to start painting right away. Colin Steele ©2004 Andrew Sihler, image ©2004 Thomas Blue, posted with permission.
Meant to look like a religious icon, or perhaps stained glass. The Sun King. Illustrator. ©2004 Thomas Blue.
Taye from "Circles." Taye is ©2003 French/Domanski/Fabianek. Image ©2003 Thomas Blue. Posted with permission.
This was an exercise in playing about with simple geometric shapes, flat areas of color, sharp contrasts and the application of a more detailed texture. Acrylic on board.
The swim team just won their division! Hoorah. Acrylic on canvasboard. ©2004 Thomas Blue.
Fashion? No! Illustrator. ©2003 Thomas Blue.
More odditors, remake of an earlier piece. Acrylic on canvas. ©2004 Thomas Blue.
Another quick sketch, one with a little more setting. Painter Classic. ©2004 Thomas Blue.
This is a t-shirt I made using stencils and spray paint for my mate's birthday. The scan's a little fuzzy because of the t-shirt material. This is not the best medium for t-shirts, but one uses what one has. ©2003 Thomas Blue.
A friend asked me to do a miniposter for a magazine he's putting together. I decided to do an alien tiger wanted poster. When finished, I did four more. I wanted to suggest other cultures with each one as well as an overall alien-ness. ©2004 Thomas Blue.
Playing about with a more primitive style and possible characters for a children's book. A very stylized tiger waking in the jungle. Illustrator. ©2004 Thomas Blue.
This was meant to be a contrast or commentary on the 'sons' of Feudal era Samurai, what actually resulted from their efforts and violence. Acrylic on board.
A self portrait done in Adobe Illustrator.
This is the second 'style trade,' this time with Allison Reed. We traded unfinished self-portrait sketches allowing the other to finish them any way desired. This is my finish of her sketch. Acrylic and colored pencil on cardboard. Image ©2003 Allison Reed/Thomas Blue.
This is a test print of the nine stencils that will make up a poster for AC. The final will be hand colored and 24x30. Stencils, spray paint. ©2003 Thomas Blue.
My first attempt with gouache. Tricky stuff, but it has a neat, chalky almost melancholy feel to its colors. Otterguy with bronze age stuff, also a 1st level fighter. Gouche on watercolor paper. ©2004 Thomas Blue.
Done for a friend, another critter that could use an action figure. Illustrator. ©2003 Thomas Blue
This is more of an experiment than a finished piece. I just wanted to see if I could make some convincing 3-D shapes with Painter classic and possibly suggest a metal texture as well. I learned a lot about the program and applied color doing this. I wish real paint was this smooth. Painter Classic, Wacom tablet. ©2003 Thomas Blue.
15x20 Spraypaint/stencil on hammered stell painted illo board. Test print, one of three wolf bodybuilders for AC. ©2003 Thomas Blue.
This is my interpretation of what a Russian wolf rap star's street poster might look like if there were such a thing. The image was applied with spray paint and stencils to a background prepared with rusted metal paint. ©2003 Thomas Blue.
Third in a series of wolf bodybuilders done with stencils and spraypaint. In case anyone's worried, he's not nude. :"D ©2003 Thomas Blue.
He looks a little like Lenin but it's the earrings that mae him look sinister. Never trust a wolf with earrings...yah, that's it. ©2004 Thomas Blue.
This year's holiday card. That's Phoebe, our cat up front. Illustrator. ©2003 Thomas Blue.
Pardon the slight fuzziness, this image is too big to scan, the scan was taken from a polaroid. Wolf bodybuilder in acrylic on cardboard. 28x36. ©2003 Thomas Blue. Edited for content.
Sorry for the re-up, but I was informed that "gshock" was taken by Casio, so "zshock," another fake fashion company. Illustrator. ©2004 Thomas Blue.
< 2/3— Mike Luce (Thomas Blue, T)