my side of an art trade with the amazing Amelia Stoner!!! wow her stuff is good!!! go see!!! anyway, this is her character Daiteen, who's really black. there's a big long story to how he ended up colored like this, but you don't need to hear it. * *;
sensless scribble. i'm a patient person, but to wait a year for an art trade is rather ridiculous. makes me wish i had not wasted my time in doing art for other people. cuz i don't do requests. and i don't forget. anyway, he's glowing.
a Grinder. has no eyes, but three twisted jaws, and runs (like a lot of Cyin's creations do) on a type of ESP. part of it is transparent, but yea. lost motivation halfway through.
my long overdue half of a trade with silver bobcat from DA, who is awesome cuz she taught me photoshop!!! so this is her were form, very very grumpy don't you think? lol!
the Grouvin: an arrogant breed of bovine-like herbivores whose indignant honking can be heard throughout the intersteller markets. usually wealthy traders - defines social status/worth by wealth. stands 9ft and are usually quite fat and they like to show off. ships looks like vaccuum cleaners, lol. all these aliens are sketchbook doodles brushed up in photoshop.
crappy doodle crapily colored. "..and they laughed at the soden, grumpy beasts their visiters had decorated for the parade because it always rained here..."
"GIVE ME YOUR OATMEAL!" so says the hellbeast. a doodle from 2 sketchbooks ago that i still really like, although it's lack of a background kinda annoys me now. oh well.