my part of a trade with shinigamigirl from DA!!! tis her equine critter. i haven't had the best day and the background kinda sucks, but i like it overall. enjoy! :)
trade with the awesome skulg from DA, of her character Scaria. don't like the background, my markers wouldn't blend and i was in a hurry. for some reason i wanted yellow highlights on her hands and stuffs *shakes head* illogical me. :)
for the contest created by zarathus. uhh, i just realized that i left out the red wing tips on sorrow, and while drawing this i discovered how much my zarathus-drawing skills were...lacking. oh well. hope you like, i'm obsessed with movement! *twitches* :)
unfinished sketchbook doodle of a snakewolf. this has been unfinished since beginning of summer. maybe i'll get around to finishing it before the end of the year. who knows.
best sport in the world - STORM TAG!!!! well, only if your storms are the most vicious things on the planet where the nonstop lightening actually chases you, you can stand getting hit by lightening several times at once, and you can fly without wings. :D