Susan Lockwood (Tabris)
So, I didn't upload the final image of this before... I uploaded a progress pic. *smacks head* Here is the finished drawing for Maui/ of Maui (Sarah Troutman.) Adobe Illustrator + some pulp fiction
Lisa Payne's Novalee for the Trading Post. The feet are weird, I can't do big cartoon feet. I suppose I should try to fix them, if I ever find the file again. Adobe Illustrator.
It's a carnie giraffe with a mullet... and I don't have much more to say about that. Inspired by Target commercials. AI
Newest picture: This is the lame standing character picture, as opposed to the lame sitting and lame prancing in water picture.:D My character Gren Anansie in gyspy attire. AI again.
This is a picture of my Boyfriend and my characters that we made for a superhero rpg... just as furries. I used a photo reference, that I can't find, but felt I should mention. Colored in AI.
Susan Lockwood (Tabris)