David Cotelessa (Spino)
"Looking forward to the Day..." 6 December 1998 is the Second Sunday of Advent and AltarSkunk reads from the book of the Prophet Isaiah (Chapter 11, verses 1-10). May this holiday season bring you Peace!
A tribute to a good friend.
Fun and frolic idea from watching some of teh most intersting animals I've seen in a while - "bear cats", or binturangs.
AN oldie but goodie.. A vixen with a bag of bombs.
Another one from the vaults.. A sketch of everyone in Honeybadger's burrow.
censored sketch for my roommate (who was displeased with some very inconsiderate drivers on the road today)
Ch'marr running after a mouse!
Ever have one of those weeks? You try to come up with a good idea and you end up with this fluff? This is a study for a larger piece that I've decided to do since I don't seem to have inspiration to think up better and the time inbetween uploads (for furry stuff) is way too long. Tell me your opinion.
"Ain't takin' no bull". This picture was inspired from a very special person who cheered me up, and happened to mention she liked cows. I hope I see her again soon.
Dancing can be so romantic between two furs. Even in the warm savanna..
David Cotelessa (Spino)