< 1/2— Brenden Smith (Kangaroo-Boy)
I was completely and utterly OUT of Pepsi when I did this drawing. So I wasn't very happy. Then I just had fun with lines and splotches and blowing india ink and white-out and goofy effects. Fun with ink. :)
Just some sketches I did of some otters. Just to see if I could. I think they turned out okay, I'm not sure if they look exactly like otters but if anybody out there knows something about otters that I don't lemme in on it.
It's a panama hat. :) The note I wrote to myself on the bottom of this pic says, "I'd rather be famous singularly." Whatever the heck that means.
Being the fan of pop-culture I am, it seems fitting to have a 'roo that's put in some serious time "under the needle." Piercing that is mate. Can't have a pierced roo without a pouch ring though. :) Need to draw THAT sometime. Incidentally, the "FO" on her jacket is for FOX. They make motorcycle pads and clothing..
This is that keen-o fellow roo folks know as Spaceroo. I did this a while ago. I did the kinda Blade Runner esque thing with his costume, he didn't seem to mind. :) Spaceroo is © 1997 John Siemer. You should seek him out if you haven't already.
Did this un for Peter LaVerdiere. A cool fellow oo that I should have drawn a long time ago. I did it in the mighty Bic Medium tip ball point and colored it with colored pencils. He likes the boots, which strangely enough, we have near identical pairs... Peteroo is © Peter LaVerdiere.
Steve Boumar, in a completed picture. Wow, that's odd isn't it. Anywho, this WAS going to be used as an opening page for my real webpage but I haven't gotten around to actually finishing the thing. Steve Boumar is © Brenden Smith
Well, after Abacus' little bout with Roomatism, I figured I'd point out, a little late I might add, that it's kinda catchy. And if not caught and treated early, it can be VERY lasting. Watch for tail thickening, ear length suddenly doubling, females may accquire pouches and a general increace in leg strength and foot size in both genders.
I drew this a while ago. Nothing spectacular, just kinda groovy. The neatest thing I can tell you is that the hairstyle is as close as possible to the coif I'm currently sporting. Funny only because I had a REALLY short, spikey hair-cut at the time of it's drawing.
Ah... I dunno. New cigarette spokes 'roo? I like the hair, kinda a reverse Mr. Fantastic thing going. Also an adventure in brush inking, kinda fun, came out pretty good.
Note to self: Not happy about getting drenched by boyfriend, revenge is in the works... Need a bigger gun... Maybe balloons... Deluge is iminent
Oh... I don't have much to say tonight. This is a drawing. It's a girl. She's a kangaroo. She has on black pants and suspenders... She's probably wearing combat boots but we don't know do we?
Spaceroo sent me a couple silly pics the other night. One of them was a yawning roo that he said he thought was kinda cute. So I did a yawing Spaceroo. :) Spaceroo's © 1997 John Siemer.
No, I don't just do standing poses and head-shots. Just so you know. This is a pic of two 'roos, I suppose one is having some trouble getting his boots off, the other... Watching inquisitively. This is a big picture and almost didn't fit on the scanner-bed.
I didn't exactly do this FOR Lazarus Rat... But I sure wouldn't have done it without him. Do love them background shapes though. :)
Trying to learn how to color. It's Zooey, just don't bother her and you should be okay. She's my chain smoking, misanthropic, burbon-drinking, aprehensive, pissed-off, twenty-something gutairist. ; :o) © 11997 Me of course.
Head out on the highway, get your motor running. Looking for adventure, Or whatever comes your way. We gotta go and make it happen, Put the world in a love embrace. Fire all of your guns at once and, Explode into space. Like a true nature's child We were born, born to be wild and we can ride so high Never want to die. © George Thourghgood.
< 1/2— Brenden Smith (Kangaroo-Boy)