Ken Singshow (Stinken) —2/5 >
Sue-chan on desert. Android Amazon Animals©AMAZON ANIMALS O HOGOSURU KAI
"Worried about being Blown Away" As Sue-chan attempts to disarm the chemical weapon found in the elevator, her partner Tsuneko is worried about the one they brought in with them!!! (Idea suggested and caption by ©AltarSkunk...Thank you!)
Tonight on Skunk Channel Cinema... Sue-chan as "Carrie"! (sorry,I couldn't think of nice pun title)
Sister Sue.(Sue-chan ©AAoHK)
A self-claimed trainee for proposed (?) U.S. division of Android Amazon Animals... VICKI MUTT! she's a golden viXenwUlfminK! (don't ask) Vicki © Emily "Smite Mil" Smith (sorry,Vicki...too many fingers...)
This is my two-minutes (ok,10minutes) cartoon,"Never ever drink milk-like substance on cartoonist's desk while he's busy white-out ing, even when it is sitting next to a milk pack". ------based on the true story------
aah,delinquent Tsuneko and fangirl-ing Sue-chan! from an old album of Anthro Amazons' High School days!
Abakan and Stinko, taking a walk on a nice beach at the foot of Swiss Alps? (brrrrr!!!) commissioned picture. Abakan © his player Stinko © Ken Singshow (Abakan's character design based on J. Willard's work)
Pandora P. Panther leaps with joy! This is one of my submissions to coming AC artshow.
More AC artshow entry... I hope I'll have a panel.
Faulty door lock.
AltarSkunk finds Ananda at the Inn. © Their players
Chayse and AltarSkunk © their players.
O.K, this is the special, limited-time,"low-gamma" version of the birthday pic. Well? can you see the detail of AltarSkunk's "birthday suit" this time? If not, you really need to adjust your monitor's contrast setting. AltarSkunk is still © Himself!
"o/~Here come the Men in Black... (here they come) ...Galaxy defenders...o/~" (Idea by AltarSkunk)
a TTA style fox.(commissioned.) character © Andy
Ken and accomplices.
oops,sorry to interrupt Time Wrinkle story...:P Happy new year, everyone who use the old calender... this is my new year comic, done at Osaka Furry Con '98... (Zora is a lioness,btw.:), back to regular program.
A rough sketch of my next comic. here,Zora expiains her evil plot of the day to Pandora... "blah blah blah...I can't lose! MWAHAHA!!!!"
Merry in her BaltoMuck form. "Jenna who?"
uh-oh...BigBlueFox just spotted a cute vixen...(or a slice of pizza?:) BBF © BBF
Happy Birthday from Japan, Bernard Doove-san!
Aaah...Berios. He does things 'til the end... (The next panel's gonna be messy...) Berios © his player Merry © me
Merry is going out with an admirer from North Pole...Good luck, Berios!! Merry © AAoHK Berios © Jamal Hannah
Quiz: What is the Sue-chan's comment in this picture? (E-mail me your idea!)
Wow! interactive SCFA! wave of the future! Thanks for overwhelming (three, so far) response for "What Sue-chan saying?" campaign! 'I got used to that kind of stuff over the years - but THIS is ridiculous!'(M.G.) "Whew! that plane smells TERRIBLE! and coming from a skunk, i know what bad smells like!" (E.F.) "Oh, and I suppose you think 'Im' responsible for this!"(R.H.)
And the winner of "Sue-chan Caption contest" is... Mr. AltarSkunk! (others are good too, but I like the simplicity of this one.) and more!... *"That's the last time I buy perfume endorsed by a celebrity who's movies ALSO stink."("Mouse") *"So that's why they don't want skunks living under the approach path." (Charlie) (to see three more "Honorable Mention", go to "blank1.gif") again, thank you all Sue-chan fans!
My Halloween card for Bojopigeon...(with pigeon shaped cookies...)
No more mister nice pigeon! (no, it's just his overreaction of the day) Bojopigeon © his player
Here's a panel from my latest Andorozon Comic. Merry, Tsuneko © Ken Singshow
Ken Singshow (Stinken) —2/5 >