< 1/2— David Simpson
- Buy the sky and sell the sky, and lift your arms up to the sky...
- Perhaps while Thomas is sick I could watch baseball with Sam. Wait, it's not baseball season. And Sam and I would most likely kill each other under any other circumstances.
- Brush sketch. And the way the rain comes down hard...
- Love your children. Even if by some freakish twist they belong to a different species.
- Two fox children and a giant seagull. Millie, Locke, and Orville are the intellectual property of people other than you.
- Marigold and Zero's resemblance to two more famous and equally fictitious humans has not gone unremarked.
- My dragon self. o/~ Well, hey, do you do judo in your finery? o/~
- Part of the cover art for the forthcoming "Ozy and Millie" volume, the second to date. Presumably you know the reference. And if you're not reading the best comic strip in cyberspace (, what's the matter with you?
- Mili and David. Break out the grape juice, something good just happened (presumably).
- Fox and skunk at the shore. It goes on forever until you get back to where you are now.
- I like the Mariners. Ben likes whoever's close by. So Ozy and Fen (from "Spellshocked") display their loyalties.
- Dragon Party #3: I think this can go on record as one of my favorite recent "Ozy and Millie" panels. Ozy and his dad chill out. I do not endorse smoking unless you're a dragon and can do it unassisted. (, y'all. Best strip on the web or anywhere else.)
- I stole this pose from my autographed "Doonesbury" poster.
- They said it'd never work out.
- Dragon self-portraiture, in pursuit of LiveJournal icons.
- Some random bird.
- I'm here at Thomas K. Dye's place, and he's, well, sick as a dog. But Rochelle and Wolfram are, obviously, unconcerned. You can't fake that tail thing Wolfram's got going.
- I said I'd color it. And I love blue. Da ba dee da ba da.
- Dragon Party #7: Llewellyn again. The pipe is, of course, a mere formality if you can produce your own smoke.
- Dragon Party #5: Red is not dead. Llewellyn the dragon, hero of the people. From a recent "Keenspot" newsbox ad. Not sure about the lettering color.
- Newly colored by Mouse, who incorrectly claims not to be a better colorist than I.
- What's wrong with society, and the solution.
- I'd drink here. So would L. Frank Baum.
- An illustration from the "news" section of my web site. Timulty: future yellow journalist, present-day naked raccoon child.
- For the irony-imparied, allow me to offer the following subtitle: blarg.
- The rest of the car must be around here somewhere.
- Ebony, ivory. It's all black and white stripes to me, and yet it's random, breathing, equine. Dig it.
- There's no point in being a punk if you're already a zebra.
- Zeet, who is in the phone book.
- Zero the teenage skunk girl.
< 1/2— David Simpson