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Augh! Request pictures! So many! Here's one now! :) Abigail, for Vulcanis. Character © her and all that. Watercolors and Pentel Disposable Fountain Pen!
My baby, Aglyptinus phymaphorus. I've been working with this and a couple of other Aglyptinus species for rather a while. Ain't he just the cutest thing? (original is stippled on an enormous mylar sheet)
I have faith that Sue will come up with the "iNsect" version, but for now here is my obscure-genus-of-staphylinoid-beetle contribution. This is the cutest trend ever. Three cheers, y'all!
Hiya all! Just a note to say I'm not dead, I'm just in school :P here's some kitty type classtime doodles, a cheetah and a margay (© nobody!)
Amber, The Bellmaker (Color Pencil Sketch...Different pic than above!)
Amber, the Bellmaker (Pencil Sketch)
Amica again, Yerf-compliantly nekkid ( so I hope). She's stripey!
Amica, some kind of long-legged lynxish lady who appears at some point in the Wenstan narrative (which, for those of you keeping track, is the other project that's been detracting from my work on TO2 ;) Amica's © me, yesyes?
Hey! Somebody cloned a buncha mice! It was in the news like a week ago. More mice is exactly what the world needs.I painted a mouse and cloned it and then drew another mouse (namely me). I like this picture. (Anise is © me.)
Now and then a fellow furry artist wants to do a pic of my char and its's "Where's Anise? All I see is pics of that *(&^#$* Cecilia-ferret". (Though they always put it more sweetly than that :) So here's me. Just so's you know. (Anise, of course, © the glorious ME!
Li'l self-portraity doodles I did a while back... I was feeling rather bored at the time, I s'pose. Me © me.
This last Saturday, I attended the "Senior Ball" (on a boat! No Titanic jokes, pleez) ..with my sweet patootie ...'twas fun , but I must question the musical tastes of my generation. Bleagh! Nothing but %*&^#$ rap ALL NIGHT!! But yeah. This is the neato hairdo I had done for the night. I rather like it.
And now, Professor Anise will enlighten you on things Scottish. Tonight: Traditional Scots clothing, as modeled by some of the Enumclaw-Highland Games-attending furs. (Yes, those were the same Games I was at on Sunday). This is kinda a largish file, but I couldn't lower the resolution or size anymore without killing the lettering. Anyhoos, Ikyoto, Meph, and Spaceroo © their cool selves. (Anise, as always, © moi!)
Hiya all! I'm back from sunny southern California! This is sort of the abridged version of my trip diary: Anise in wonderland, if you will.
A somewhat magnified snippet from the cover to my comic-book project, "Anise's Super Duper Nutty Wacky (Really Amazing) Big Ol' Comics Compendium...of Stuff". Out goodness knows when. © me, indeed.
After months of waiting, "Anastasia" opens tomorrow! Yee-ha! Time to bring the Disney monopoly to its knees! Taan and Anise plan the day accordingly... (Taan © Jessica Park, Anise © moi, Anastasia stuff © Fox)
Foxes - Practicing Archers
Hey, happy Armistice Day, everyone! Here's to world peace! This is another nutty wacky unfinished gessoificated painting, featuring a tired-looking wolf sort in uniform, Allied I believe. I suppose he's advising some fresh-faced recruit who is about to experience the nutty wacky fun of trench warfare. War is not © me.
It's a long way to Tipperary, to the sweetest gal I know. Happy Armistice Day.
It's a long way to Tipperary, it's a long way to go. Happy Armistice Day.
Dulce et decorum est - Happy Armistice Day.
Ink sketches of dear li'l Asha, trying out personal flotation devices (also sittin' on a rock and pointing like a slack-jawed yokel) Uploaded with gracious permission of the Right Hon. Charla Trotman :)
Time to upload some old stuff. here's one from my spring break trip to Chile, where I spent rather a lot of time on my knees in a pile of dirt, sucking up bugs through a rubber hose. Best spring break EVER. :)
Auma, the badger Mattimeo
Old. old cowbunny, drawn on a plane outta Tucson this summer. Inked with the fabulous Pentel plastic fountain pen.:) Hey, there's a smattering of nifty new art and photos on my webpage, if that crumbles your cookie.
It's Azy! Yahoo! (plus a little doodle of EG) Actually, these are just sketches-I'm still working on a more colorful version... Asrial and EG copyright their spectacular selves :)
Anise's Scottish Things Explained, Part the Second: Haggis! Tonight's hapless volunteer is B-Artisan, that cool li'l Capellan dude, taken totally out of context. (Bigfella: Thank you thank you thank you for the ska-ttish pic!) Again, this is a largish file but it had to be so to preserve the legibility. B-Artisan © Barclay Johnson.
I caught my ferret drinking out of the christmas-tree water. I wish she wouldn't do that; it's making me nervous...
A badger. Someone requested this way back when, and I drew it way back when, and it's been sitting around ever since. Here it is, folks.Badger. Yup.
Baigan the Warrior of the RW Club! Huzzah!
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