< 1/2— Diosden Rodriguez (Digo Raccoon)
My character during a "Super Hero" style RPG game I was in. She's a robot assasin built by the US government and later reprogrammed by the Heros to be on their side. Of course the government didn't find this amusing...
My half of an art trade with the nifty Scottyfox.
There goes the security deposit. Sera now has to explain this one to her roommates.
Dabbled in some hand coloring here. The image is from a story about this guy named Miles who got a pet cat. the pet cat turned out to be a dragon in disguise. The TV turned out to have no warrenty left. Been a long time since I hand colored an image, made a mess out of a perfectly good glass table for this.
"The Yerf Race is Over!?" Okay so we all knew that, but these guys didn't. So who's to say thats gonna stop them? Ack, Mouse is actually helping!?
BackStab! BackStab! Victor gasses Catlove and Rudy and runs off to claim his prize!? Mouse! Aren't you gonna do something!? I mean besides collect your fee! O.o;
Time Wrinkle Suppliment #22, Something you won't find in the regular story plot ;) Mwa ha ha ha... This would be what we call humor folks ^_^
Calico, Digo, and Terry fighting off a Tonberry! =^_^= Such a painful little critter, I hope they manage to survive it's knife attack!
When the Aliens are away, the Earthlings will play...
While the world is in panic over 4 boxes of stolen pizza, a hidden plot takes off... >:)
We been hit! We been hit! O_O;; Does anyone know how to fly clutch...? This ship comes with a clutch? ~o_o` We're dead...
Go Jink! Yay, We're not gonna die! =^_^= Now It's Payback Time!! >:)
US Army on the march, UFO damaged, Victor overloading the Core... It's now or never folks! SPOOOOOON!!
KA-BOOM!! Witness the complete annihilation of the city before you! Fear Us World!! For We Are... EVIL!!! MWA ha ha ha ha ha!!!
For everyone waiting in Ohio: Ha ha, We got lost! ^_^ We also got this flying dishpan repaired. And Victor's last name is spelled "Exodius", much to the dismay of the local papers...
Idaho... Home soon to the next Great American Crater. Apparently ear scritches and building Death Rays puts victor in a good mood. =^_^= The Next page is contributed by Lady Rat:
Here we go for another city! As Karma put it: "Sometimes a villian can't live on evil alone. Guess that explains those weird knocking noises in the back..." I must say, those two are EVIL.
Lady Rat is so pleased with the incineration of Tuttle that its time to party! Who will stop them now? Digo and Karma will... not. ;)
"I Get Around" by the Beach Boys. I suppose if you were traveling at Mach 3 at 10,000 feet you'd be getting around too. Victor's Evil, he has a girlfriend, AND he can dance. Victor - Just - Rules!
Pizza!? Victor nuked three cities just to get New York style pizza? Actually that's not a bad trade off... Is all an end for Endwell? What will the terrible Trio do next?
"Wah hee hee!! Game over Kids! Don't tease the octopus!"
This would be an UT injoke about a little spider bomb that followed me for ten full minutes... Then I went boom o.O;; This is my take on the joke. :)
I found this sketch today, it was something I did about 6 months ago and had forgotten it. So I cleaned it up and colored it. Its a vampiress casting a spell.
An Injoke between me and Lady Rat turns into an advertisement for "Victor" brand rat traps. Victor's Evil... ;)
Carrie and her husband Victor lounging outside. The origional sketch was found under a pile of old college homework I forgot about...
< 1/2— Diosden Rodriguez (Digo Raccoon)