Jonathon Reese (Pseudo Manitou)
Human mind takes the beat, but changes the flow slightly to force a kind of free will to the domination of sounds. The vibrations make the room alive- the soul make it surreal- the body make it fluid- the people make it welcome- the brain makes it memorable...
Pencil sketch charater concept for aquarium, accepted by marketing client- but later rejected by commitee... He needs a home.
Is it better to rein in Hell then serve in Heaven? Is there any point to rule if it serves no purpose? Is there any joy in serving a mind that is never your own?
This world has many limits. Many are the limits we create for ourselves. The worst limits are the ones we only think exist for us. Given enough time, eons if need be, anyone could make their dreams a reality...
Koi: Nishikigoi- Or just fancy carp if you don't care. This pencil rendering originally started as a light study of a glass bead- the eye of the fish. It grew from there because I do so love these tame water giants...
Pencil drawing clored in photoshop with added graphics in Quark. Poster for local concert. Never printed, concert cancelled (I was still paid for time:)
An abstraction in figure/form/line- experimentation with such things tend to heighten the artistic senses: I recommend many try it- the end result does not have to look like anything so long as the piece speaks to you.
I returned to the old pencil techniques just to get something out of my system. 2H pencil with 2B dark accents on medium texture drawing paper. Originally- the pose was upside-down; if you can't guess why I turned it up like this- don't ask.
Heaven is where you are standing... (here and now is the best time to live) a rather zen/buddhist thing to say when life needs perspective. Or something nice to say to that special someone... Hi Leona ;)
Jonathon Reese (Pseudo Manitou)