"..But these things don't matter at all, because once you are Real you can't be ugly, except to people who don't understand." - the Skin Horse, The Velveteen Rabbit. I got to thinking about this book yesterday, and of things, and ended up with a sketch to play around in Photoshop with. I never upload any Photoshop stuff in here. Well, okay, so I don't have that much to show, don't color in there much.
Commission I am working on. (This is a section of what will be the finished image, as there is to be a rather complex background.) So far, colored pencils.
Commission image that took quite a long time to get into the colored pencil stage. Ever have that happen when someone's character makes you work for it? I mean, really work for it? Took FOREVER for me to get Max down right. In the end I came out with two other sketches of her though that I like. o.O Weird. Anyhow, I am just SO happy I got this one done. I hope Max's creator shall like how it came out and won't mind me eventually doing something extra for her with those other sketches. If anything, perhaps it'll be a nice way to say, hey, thanks for being so patient and sweet and AWWWWW! ^.^
Detail of the second commission done for Tizzrah. With the background, if full size you just don't get a good look at the actual characters. This thing looks a lot better IRL. *pout*
Colored pencil, black ink and glass gems. One of two things that sold at Midwest this past weekend. The Siamese original will probably hit Furbid this week at some point.
Monochrome badge for Ashryn. (Don't worry, I'm not about to flood the archive with badges, just the two here that somewhat stand on their own for time and effort put in.)
An older pic of Zenithe that I still rather like. Sometimes it feels art comes in chapters of style or skill. This one, I feel was the start of one of my art chapters. He's done in colored pencil, the wrap around blanket in marker. I think this was one of the first tries on mixing marker and pencil in the same picture. The method kinda stuck. ^.^
This kitty didn't have a personae when she was sketched. Then the coloring of the eyes came out purple. I call her Violet, for obvious reasons. She is done in pencils while her wrap around has the same, with an undertone of marker. I rarely do the 'normal' thing and put pencils over markers, though here I think it called for it. Usually I do the reverse, for me it gives a more smoothe and painted effect.
Halloween in April? Why not, they have Christmas in July. Anyways, this was done for the Florida Fur's halloween party as little posterettes for the event. Went for old b-movie/deco horror poster look. All in markers and pens.