yep! Destroy them before they crush us all!!! (based upon a character of a friend of mine Blanca great mexican artist) At last I could do something new in my new house, i wanted to do some personal work before i start the commisions that i have to do. Done in photoshop 7 (antrho guy is a copyrighted character of Blanca) (image is a copyrighted work of Jose M Balanzario "Psicoyote"
Cliff and "C" in action from the Spy crisis Proyect. Im in love with the digital airbrush!! Note: cliff is the red one!! "Hand drawn , Inked and colored in Flash Mx ,shading in Photoshop 7" ///////////////////// CLIFF Y C en accion. de mi projecto " Spy crisis" (debo buscar un buen nombre en espa%F1ol) Cliff es el rojo "dibujo a lapiz Tintas y colores en Flash Mx , y sombreado en Photoshop 7
the desert guru (real title) until you give him fire to his cigarrette well he seems that he doesnt need fire. done with the fantastic three. photoshop painter flash. (the image its a copyright of his owner "Psicoyote" Jose M Balanzario)