< 1/4— Grant Preston (Lindgold) —3/4 >
So I made a few bucks with the Feline Flying Jackets - credit where credit's due, Gene... (I would have uploaded this a lot sooner, but the power supply on my PC died... *sigh*)
Okay, the whole story. It's no great secret that I got more than a little sloshed at Conspiracy. Then Sebkha asked me to draw a picture in his sketchpad. About half an hour later, after further inebriation, he asked me to do it again. To everyone's surprise, least of all mine, it was better than the first. MayFurr speculated that if they poured enough alcohol into me, I might draw as good as Terrie Smith. Don't I wish... hence this. (smile) Lindgold is ©; to me.
This is for Tet, who's apparently been working hard lately. And I still stink with a brushpen.
My half of a picture swap with my Chakat friend Goldfur. This is a sort of 'sequel' to a picture on hir homepage. Chakat Goldfur ©; Bernard Doove.
A Caitian in a classic Trek uniform hang onto a firmly-rooted palm tree as a hull breach progresses behind her. She won't be in danger much longer, a force-field will secure the hole very soon. Commissioned pic.
The Happy Couple - I was asked by Annabel & Crunchers to do their 'wedding picture' from when they got married on FurryMuck, and this was the result. All characters are copyright to their respective players. Commissioned pic.
Snorty Makes An Impact at Conspiracy - Literally. Snorty is going to be warned to keep away from large windows from now on... All characters are copyright to their respective owners.
Here's Jezeebel from FurryMuck again. She's tried to put a pink collar on me several times. You'd think being thrown into one of the pools at the Palace of Dragons would dissuade her, but noooo...
Heh, sorry Kev, Lind can be a smartass sometimes... Yes, I'm still here, RL work has just been _very_ busy.
Here's CatsWhisker, the mistress of the charcoal, done with a soft graphite pencil I bought years ago. Like all librarians, she no doubt has the required black belt in the Dewey Decimal System. I guess that's why she was able to deal with Dr. Catlove so easily.
Four ladyfurs from the SCFA. The Observant One and Cuanu doin' that antigravity headfur thing, with Trixi and Kynliod sitting below them. All characters are ©; their respective players/creators.
Woohoo! After watching everyone in the TW team upload something, it's finally my turn! Lindgold arrives as the Institute, having no idea what awaits...
My second Time Wrinkle pic. A little drama this time.
Whew! Sorry to keep you in suspense for so long, everyone. My third contribution to the Time Wrinkle story.
Lindgold goes to AAC2, #1. More to come.
Lindgold goes to AAC2, #2
Part Three. These would come more often, but RL has been busy...
Part Four. They're coming, slowly...
Part Five.
Yay, Yerf's back! Now I can continue with this series. Part 6...
Part 7.
Part 8. Boy, this took a while. 15 furs in one pic. Sorry if you were at KC3 and aren't in the pic, but this everyone I can remember having characters.
Right, I am _going_ to complete this series. It's quite important to me, as it's a visual record of my trip as well.
Part 10.
Wow, two at once. I'm on a roll. Just seven to go...
Part 12.
Part 13.
Part 14. Four to go...
Part 15
Part 16. And also my 100th pic on Yerf. Er... wow.
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