< 1/2— David Pratt
It's the 23rd of May, so of course I've got to draw a raccoon. =)
I didn't have a good title for this picture of a jittery little rodent, then Fuzzybear suggested "I Have No Mouth and I Must Smoke." With apologies to Harlan Ellison. ;)
An attempt at computer-coloring a sketch, which I stopped partway because I couldn't see myself tweezing it for another 5 hours. Funny, though: I kind of like it anyway. Original sketch drawn in Sir Kain's sketchbook, sometime during KainCon/AC 99. Kendall is the intellectual property of one Eric Goodwin.
Somewhere in that tangle of overly-stylized lines, Kevin is sleeping. Kevin J. Dog © T. K. Dye
Kind of a French-looking Fox.
Not been sleeping too well lately... *yawn* but it makes for an interesting experiment in pouty, self-indulgent, abstract silliness.
While I like general anachronistic fun, I find the idea of reenacting old battles to be somewhat distasteful. I guess I'm just a leftist weakling.
I have no idea, really -- a picture drawn in a funny mood. The worried skunk (a Dingus variation) was originally part of a picture I did for Emilie Bosworth. He caused 'balance problems' and was removed. Here he is in a very different situation.
Berta Bunny, lost in thee woods.
The key value vectors in any significant expenditure outlay are PROFITABILITY, CONTROL, SIMPLICITY, and TRUST. Unfortunately for him, "Homonculus the Strange" doesn't have any of those.
A paranoid little mousie! I'm scared of EVERYTHING these days. 'Art' © Dave Pratt.
A raccoon holding a rose, and some pleasant scenery.
Dave Hopkins' "RTD"... it's very good for you. 9 out of 10 psychiatrists agree. =) RTD and Ludey © Dave Hopkins, Sox © Jesse Fagan.
Welcome back, Yerf! This little skunkie obviously fancies carrots in his soup.
Some damn skunk.
You're a naughty terra-cotta lawn vixen! Into the pool of cheap oil you go. Bad vixen! Shame.
Oh, no -- look out! Skippy and Liska have cut a CD!
Valentine for my Bear. ~Merf~
Raccoonery of the female persuasion. Strange pic.
Some strange trappings, a firefly, a somewhat startled raccoon. "Who is the third who walks always beside you?" -- T.S. Eliot, 1922.
Tim reads a letter from home. Whatever it says it makes him smile; the lamp flame sputters and he looks up. Tim © Emilie Bosworth.
Don't be the last on your block to own a piece of animation art from the world-famous "Trixi and Tet Adventures" cartoon show! Trust me -- it's more valuable with the animator's frustrated scribbles in the margin. Anyway, happy birthday Tet! (The reason Tet looks shocked has nothing to do with the feather -- Trixi's holding a glass of iced tea against his back!) [NOTE: mockup only, kids -- not an actual cel.]
Send them the weenie, but keep the cocktail. sssss ssssss...
le sigh... whatever it takes, you know
I asked Kevin J. Dog the other day which of his characters he'd like to see drawn more often. He mentioned "Wolfram", so here he is! Ack! I think I'll leave "toony" to the toonies.
Stylized canid head, textured background. Inspired by something Fuzzybear told me about, a superstition among actors: a lone "Ghost Light" is kept burning all night long on stage.
Graphical deconstruction of an earlier image, or maybe just monkey-ing around in Photoshop. Hey, at least it's not some boring con badge or a furry representation of someone's favorite mall-core group. All socio-political premonitions continue to come true, plus some I hadn't the courage to expect.
"A Fuzzybear and Dingus Christmas", part the second! About the only thing I've been able to get drawn lately, way too busy with other things! Merry Christmas, y'all! =)
Happy Raccoon Day!
Large kitty with a really thin tail... whoops.
< 1/2— David Pratt