< 1/3— Wendy Peacock (Gwendel, Samwise) —3/3 >
If you promise not to ask I'll promise to spare you the explaination.... An old idea I wasted way to much time on.
A picture I did a while back for Artist Ambush. We were asked to draw our muses for drawing, and the more I thought about it, the more this picture seemed appropriate.
I don't know if the filename refers to the picture or me. Blame it on my programming class. I tried several cartoon styles, and I would love to hear critique. *hint hint*
"Opal Blossom" I wanted to experiment with the 'colored ink' look on the lines of this one. Turned out well, I guess.
"Oporru" It looks like there might be some exotic story behind this picture, but there isn't...sorry.
A really old picture of a parrot-gryphon I recently found and finished.
This semester I have a professor with the amazing ability to turn brains to tofu with his lectures. A quick sketch done after class to wake myself up again. And then I went and ruined it with a quick coloring job, but oh well...
Another quick sketch I didn't think I would have the time to do, but then I got locked out of the house...I understand the pschycologial elements that go into the character designs of villians, but sometimes they way they look makes you wonder why it doesn't occur to the heroes a little earlier what they really are. ^.~
...And then I went for a walk while waiting for my husband to come home with the key. I don't know what possesses some people to set their sprinklers so close to the sidewalk. But then, I have my theories.... (BTW, Floridians don't exactly use tap water for irrigation >phew<)
Another quick cartoon. The hardest part of life drawing is not so much getting an acurate depiction, it's getting one before the subject moves away. Oh well, there's always modern art... Inspired by my husband sketching while we were out one night.
Speaking of which, a life drawing gone weird . . . I love ferrets, but my cat would never get along with one. If I had to give this a title, it would be "Ferret's Revenge".
If you think the name "love bug" is endearing, you've obviously never lived in Florida. A quick cartoon of Gwendel doing one of my favorite pastimes, squishing the little critters. . . although I think adding Megan Kelly changed the whole thing. It seemed germain at the time...
I'm sure anyone who owns a cat can relate to this one.
Samwise in sparring practice.
"What's with the scarf?" A dragon and bat cadet converse on a space station. This was a totally random idea that I didn't think would ever become a finished drawing, but it turned out so well!
Being a priest at 12 years old must be difficult, but Elohwisse seems to carry it out with dignity and zeal. Here she is delivering her message with conviction.
The cool cat in the picture is my friend the flapcat, Kellis.
Space Mountain, my favorite WDW attraction; I gave the original to a friend for Christmas. @Whee!^.^
"Taetha's Dance" or my working name for it, "The Blue Sparkly picture" ^.~
Hee! Another old picture I found and finished coloring. And, no, this is not Figment. This character is based off a miniture of a dragon I call Sparky. I painted him purple in honor of Figment. Boy, I miss the old Journey into Imagination!
Name: Seth Dane / Title: Amarillo Squire / Weapon: Crossbow;Bow and Arrows / Species: Saluki / Comment: It seems strange, but Seth Dane is really the only Squire to wear armor. He's a soldier in his region's army, if that justifies it any... Oh, yes, and a Saluki's a type of dog, in case my drawing is so bad you can't tell. ^.^
Name: Tambrooke / Title: Amber Squire / Weapon: Staff / Species: Deer / Comment: The background is positively generic, but I wasn't even planning on adding one until my husband said something...
Name: Mercury / Title: Ebony Squire / Weapon: Double Scythe / Species: Pegasus / Comment: On the hills behind her is Mercury's city of Auranopolis.
Name: Ashley / Title: Emerald Squire / Weapon: Sword / Species: Squirrel / Comment: Okay, so now I guess I should explain Ashley's name. His name is from the character in Gone with the Wind. I couldn't help but admire a guy who went around with a name like that and managed to hold the affection of Scarlett for most of her life. Anyway, Ashley's 6' tall, and makes weapons for a living, so I wouldn't go around making fun of his name if I were you... ^.~
Name: Elohwisse / Title: Indigo Squire / Weapon: None / Species: Lop-eared rabbit / Comment: Elohwisse has taken a vow as a priestess never to fight or even hold a weapon; so much for a action pose...
Name: Snowbelle / Title: Ivory Squire / Weapon: Slingshot / Species: Snow Hare
Name: Zanthai / Title: Ocre Squire / Weapon: Flint Spear / Species: Cheetah / Comment: Oops! I had almost forgotten to upload this one; I found it sitting mostly finished in my coloring folder.
A group picture of all of the Squires to replace the really old one. The original measures 11x14 and took me a month to finish. Unfortunately most of that time wasn't spent on art, either. <sigh>
Name: Corelle / Title: Rouge Squire / Weapon: Three-prong spear / Species: Ring-tailed Lemur
Name: Unknown / Title: Violet Squire / Weapon: Machete / Species: Fox / Comment: The other squires believe this member of their order has a name, but she's only heard from on rare occasions, and noone else really knows what it is. Oh, and yes, I do regret the background....
< 1/3— Wendy Peacock (Gwendel, Samwise) —3/3 >